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the misfortune happened, that this order was executed.

This fire burnt 252 houfes of the jurifdiflion of the magiftrates, which have been entirely confum- cd, and two more were much da- maged. Thircy-one houfes of the jurifdictlon of the Bailiwic were iikewife entirely burnt down.

Two perfons were burnt to death, two killed, three hurt by the fire, and two wounded by the foldiers.

We never heard, in any (nape, of a waggon full of goods which they were endeavouring to fave, and which it was pretended was covered with combultibles, and fo fet on fire; nor of ninety perfons faid to have perifhed a: the Hart ; nor of the Auftrian troops, who, it is pretended, affiited in extinguiih- ing the fiames.

Drefden, Dec. 4, 1758. (LS.) TheMagiftrateso'f Drefden.

No. IJI. Certificate of the Judges of the fuburb of Drefden.

We the judges of the fuburb of Drefden, certify and atteft, that at the time of the calamity that hath juft happened, things paiTed in this manner.

f . In the month of July com- bullibles were placed on the coun- terfcarp, and removed in the month of Auguli following, withoutdoing the leail damage.

z. They were replaced there a fecond time on the 7th cf Novem- ber, about ilxin the evening. On the 7th, about three in the after- noon, the magirtrates ordered all the judges to attend them. Ac- cordingly Simon Steltzner, judge ; John Cnriftian Dittritch, alaer- fnan ; John Michael Faber, and John ChriftianKretfchmar, judges; attended, and were tcld (being en-


joined at the fame time to acquaint the other judges with it) to provide the houfes with water, to give no- tice to the landlords, and keep the pumps ready, and endeavour to affilt one another, becaufe, if any misfortune Ihould happen, the people ot the town could not come to our aCiftance, nor could we ^o to theirs ; and of this v.e iaformed all the burghers.

3. On the Sth and pth the Aullrian army approached the town ; and on the 9th the Auftrian hufiars forced their way to the fuburb of Pirnaand to Zinzendorf- houfe.

4. On the loth, at two in the morning, fire was fet to the quar- ters of Pima, Ram, and Wilidorff", which corii'umed

7 houfes in the Fi/hmono-ers quarter.

141 ia Ram quarter.

82 — — ia Pima quarter.

1 — in Halbe'Cafle quar-


2 in Seethor quarter.

9 — — in Poppitz quarter.

23 in the Bailiwick quar- ter. I The e.xcife-houfe, asalfo the excife-houfe and guard- houf^ at Pirna gate, and the excife and guard, houfes at Seethor.""

266 houfes in all. Perfcns who loit their lives, or were-

hurt. In Ram quarter. Two pfrfoiss burnt.

In Pirna quarter. A burgher, named Kammerling, killed by a cannon-ball fired from the town, and buried at Pirna. A girl of fourteen wounded, who was removed to Pirna.

A widow