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174 ANNUAL R E G 1 S T E R, 175S.

A widow wounded, carried into the town.

In Poppitz quarter. One woman killed by the inde- pendent battalion. There have been therefore in all, two perfons burnt, a man and a woman greatly advanced in years, and whom it was impoffible to fave; two killed, and two wound- ed.

"What has been faid of a waggon is falfe ; and it is equally falfe that 50 perfons periflied at the Hart ; only four perfons in all having loll: their lives, as we have jull men- tioned.

The 10th, in the morning, there were found before WilfdorfF gate, among fome ftraw, which had been unloaded there and laid before the houfes, fome parcels of gunpow- der, which a burgher threw into the water. Two rooms in the houfc called Jungfer Palais were fet on fire; but it was foon extin- guiflied.

Laftly, it is falfe that the Auf- trian carpenters aflifted us in extin- guifliing the fire. We never faw one of them.

We certify that all the above is fiiidlly conformable to truth.

Simon Sceltzner, judge ; John Chriftopher Grol), Godefroi Schneider, C. Benjamin Stamm, John Daniel Karichs, John Michael Faber, John Chrirt. Grohmann, John George SeyfFert, John Gottfried Peter, John Chriit. Kretfchmar. Drcfden, Dec. 4, 1758.

The S.TXon account of the damage done by the burning of the fub- urbs of Drefden, referred to in the feveral paflages cf the fore-

gninr; memorial, is contained In the following, Tranflation of a memorial prcfent- ed on the 24ih Nov. to the dyet of the empire, by the Saxon minifter.

It was referved for the hiflory of the, which the king of Prufiia hath kindled in Germany, to tranf- mit to future ages an action of fuch a nature as is that, which, accord- ing to the authentic advices that have been received by the under- figned minifter of his majefty the King of Poland, Eleftor of Saxony, Lieutenant-general Schmettau, the Pruffian governor of Drefden, hath juft now ordered and executed in that royal refidence and in the fub- urbs. The proceeding is fo atro- cious, that he thought it his duty, without waiting for his mafter's orders, moft humbly to give notice of it to the laudable dyet of the empire. Thofe advices are dated the 14th ult. and are to the follow- ing efFedl.

♦' The Auftrian army having on the 9lh inftant forced the Prufiian corps under General Itzcnplitz to decamp from Gorlitz, and driven Meyer's independent battalion out of the Great Garden, General Schmettau, governor of Drefden, ordered the burghers to carry a vail quantity of ftraw into the luburbs, vhich was put into the houfes in truiles. He made the inhabitants perfectly eafy by making the ftron^j- elt protelUtions to them, that they had nothing to fear ; and ordered them to remain quiet within doors ; and that no perlcn fliould be feen in the ftreets in the night, for fear of danger, in cafe the enemy Ibould make an attack.

At two in the morning a can- non was fired. On this fignal the gunners and the foldiers of the in- depcndeac