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the hofpitals, as of thofe belonging 10 his Britannic majerty.

VI- The merchants and their clerks that have not carried arms, fliall be fenc to France, in fuch manner as the admiral (hall think proper.

Louifhourg, 26th July, 1758. (Signed) Lc Chevalier dcDrucoar.

Two hundred and twenty-onC pieces of cannon, eighteen mortars, with a confiderable quantity of ammunition and ftores, had been found in the place, and it was ex- pefted that more would be found. The following is the return of the ftate of the garrifon when it capitu- lated.

State of the garrifon of Louilbourg the 26th of July 1758, when it

capitulated. „

blames of the Regiments.


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Twenfy-four companies of marines of the ufualO

garrifon and two of the artillery — 76 746

Second battalion of Volontaires Etrangers 48 402

Second battalion of Cambife — jg 466

Second battalion of Artois — ^2 407

Second battalion of Eourgogne — 30 353


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Total of the garrifon — 224 2374 443 3041

Sea Officers, private men, and marines fit for duty, with the fick and wounded, belonging to the Ihips — — — 135 1124 1347 2606

All the French men of war that were in the harbour have been taken and deftroyed, viz.

Prudent, 74 guns, burnt by the boats of the fleet, under the Cap- tains Lefcrey and Balfour.

Entreprenant, 74 guns, blown up and burnt, by a lliot from the marine battery,

Capricieux and Celebre, both 64 guns, burnt by the Entrepre- nant.

Bienfaifant, 64 guns, taken by the boats of the fleet, and towed from under the walls of the town into the eaft harbour, by Captain Balfour.

Apollo, 50 guns, Chevre, Biche, and Fidclle frigates, funk by the 8

Total prifoners — - 5^537

enemy acrofs the harbour's mouth, to prevent the fleet's going in.

Diana, 36 guns, taken by his majelly's fl^.ip Boreas.

Echo, 26 guns, taken by his majelty's ftiip Juno.

Of his MajeHy's forces were killed and wounded as follows.

Killed. Royal. Lieut. Fenton, Lieutenant

Howe, Gen. Amherft's. Lieut. Nicholfon,

Lieut. Campbell. Gen. Forbes's. Capt.EarlofDun-

d o n a i d Gen. Webb's. Enfign Godfrey

