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C6l. Monkton's. Lieur. Hart.

Col. Frafer's. Capt. Bailey, Lieut. Curihbert, Lieut. Fraler, Lieut. Murray.

Capt. Rogers's Rangers. Enfign Francis Caruthers.

10 Non-commiffion officers.

146 Private meric

Artillery, i Gunner, and 3 ma- troiTes.


Col, Baftide, engineer in chief.

Royal.Lieut.Fitz-Sim mens, Lieut. Bailey, Lieut. Alhe, EnfignWa- terfon.

Gen. Amherft's. Lieut. Hamilton, Lieut, and Adjutant Mukins, Enfign Moneypenny.

Gen. Forbes's. Captain Rycaut, Lieut, Francis Tew.

Gen. Whitmore's. Lieut. Pierce Butler, Lieut. John Jermyn, Lieut. William Hamilton.

Gen. Bragg's. Capt. Browne.

Gen. Otways. Lieutenant Allan, Lieut* Brown, Lieut, and Ad- jutant Cockburn, Enfign Arm- llrongi

Gen. Hodgfon's. Lieut. Lilly.

Gen. Webb'si Lieut. Hopkins.

Col. Anftruther'si Capt. Smith.

Col. Frafer's, Captain Donald M'Donald, Lieutenant Alexan- der Campbell, Lieutenant John M'Donald.

7 Non-commiffion officers.

2 Drummers.

315 Private men*

Artillery, i corporal,^ i gunner, 3 matrolTes,

Tranflation of a letter from the Chevalier Drucour, late governor of Lcuifbourg, to a friend at Paris, dated Andftver, October 1, 1758.

iHfandum regina juhes — I wifh. Sir, I could erafe from my me--

morv the four years I paiTcd at Louifijoiirg. The bad ftate of the place, the impofTibility of making it better, the fubfiftence of a gar- rifon and inhabitants fiippcrted there at the king's expence, -and threatened with famine once a month, gave no little uneafuief* and anxiety to zW who were charg- ed therewith. This fiiuation— — • alia mente repojlum. iMany old officers, from all the provinces of the kingdom, have been v/it- nefles of my conduft; and I dare afferc that it was never impeached. But he who views objecb at a diftance only, may judge difterent- ly. 1 hope. Sir, this was not your cafe; but that you faid ' It muft

  • have been impoffible for Dru-
  • cour to a6l otherwife.' Of this

I cannot fo eafily convince you, till I have the pleafure of feeing you. Mean while, know that twenty-three fhips of war, eigh- teen frigate?, fixteen thoufand land forces, with a proportionable traia of cannon ana mortars, came ia fight on the firlt of June, and landed on the 8th. To oppofe them, we had at mod but 2500 men of the garrifon, and 300 mi- litia of the burghers of the town and Sr. John's ifland ; a fortifica- tion (if it could deferve the name) crumbling down in every fljink, face, and courtine, except the right flank of the king's baftion, which, was remounted tiie firft year after my arrival. The covered-way was covered as much as it could be, and yet was commanded and en- filaded throughout, as w?ll zi the dauphin and king's baftions. \xi the harbour were live men of war. This was our force. The fuc- cours I expected from Canada did not arrive till tii<; end of the

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