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have the honour to repeat to you ftates, towns, diftrifts, commonaK that my refolu ion is ftill the Tame ; ties, and adminillrations, cnnquer- and that I will futf' r the confe- ed from the King of England, quences, and Tultain the attack you Eledor of Hanover, for 2II the ipeak of. fams which they (ha!I h-^ve re-

Le Chevalier ^de Drucour.' ceived ; to brn,^, in like man- ner, to acco'jnt all perfon?, who, A piece extrafted from authentic before the eleftorate of Hanover, documents of the French admi- and the other conquered countries iiiftrauon in Hanover. paiTed under his maje/ly's domi-

nion, were employed in the di- One Guatier, a farmer of Pari?, re(flion and receipt of the revenues arrivir^ at Hanover fome dr.ys of the couiitry, whether they before Chriftmas, snd there fix- farmed them on a leafe for a cer- ing his office, there appeared a tain t rm, or had the receipt and decree of council of the Kina: of direction thereof, for the account France, dated the i8:h of O^- of the preceding fovereign : In tober, 1757, the tenor of which fhort, to receive of the faid per- is as follo.vs ; {(.vs the fums due from them for

the value of their farms, as well Extra;^ from the regiilers of the as fr;m thofe who have had the council of itate. direifiion ai^d receipt of the revenues

The king having, by a refult 'previous to the poflefiion taken of council of the nth of this in- for, and in the name of his ma- i!ant, charged John FaiJy, citizen jelty, r:i the faid eleflorate oif cf Paris, to take upon him, on Hanover, the countries, ftates, pre- cis roajelty*s account, the diroc- vinces, towns, diftridls, common- tion, receipt, and admin ifhation alties, and adminiirrations : And of the duties and revenues, of it beinjr his majeliy's will, that what nature focver they may be, the faid John Faidy be put into without any exception, and under immediate poiTeflion of the faid v.hatdenomination /oevcr they m.ay diretlion and general adminiftra- "be levied and collefted, belong- tion, the report having been h<=^ard ing to his majelly in the eleflo- of the Sieur Boulogne, counfellor rate of H.nover, the countries, in ordinary to the royal council, ftates, provinces, town?., diftricts, comptroller general of the finances, commonakies, and adminiftrations, the king in council has ordered, conquf-red from the King of Eng- and does hereby order, that in the land, Eleftor of Hanover, that interim, till letters patent, fealed have been fubjeifted to his majcft^ and regiftered, where neceflary, fince the beginning of this year's fhall be ifTued forth, in confe- campaign, or may hereafter be quence of the refult of the coun- fubjeifted, to receive and bring to cil of the nth inftant, the faid account all fuch perfons a? have John Faidy be put into poiTeflion liad the direflion, receipt, and ad- of the direcflion, receipt, and ad- miniftraiion of ail the faid revenues, minillration of all the revenues of what kind foever they may be, and duties, of what nature foever fince the conqiieft of the eledo- they be, without any exception, rate of Hanover, the couturies, axid under what denomination for
