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ever they have been received, le- vied, and collefted, or may here- after be fo, in the eleflorate of Hanover, countries. Hates, pro- vinces, towns, diftriifts, common- alties, and adminiltrations, con- quered from the King of Eng- land, Eledlor of Hanover, from the time they have been fubj/dled to his majefty : It is his raajefty's will, that the receipt, direftion, and adminiftration of all the re- venues whatfoever, be in the hands of the faid John Faidy, his re- ceivers, diredtors, attornies, clerks, and others appointed by him ; and for that purpofe, that all the recjiilers, accounts, paper?^ elH- niates, and documents, relating to the receipt, diretlion, and main- tenance of the laid duties and re- venues, be delivered to him by thofe in whofe cuftody they ihall be found, or who fhall have been employed in the receipt and di- rection of the faid revenues, whether they have enjoyed the fame as farmers upon a leafe for a certain term, or have been em- ployed in the receipt and direc- tion tliereof, on account of the preceding fovereign, before the eledorate or orher countries, con- quered from the King of Eng- land, Eledor of Hanover, paffed under the dominion of his ma- jelty, and by thofe, who, fince the pofTefiion taken of the faid country, have directed, adminiilered, and received the revenues of the faid eledlorate, countries, provinces, towns, diltrids, commonalties, and adminiilrations : It is his majeily's will and order, that all thofe, who have been employed in the receipt and directions of the faid revenues, under what title foever, be oblig- ed to account to the faid John Faidy, or to the diredtors, re-

ceivers, and cafhiers, appointed by him, for all receipts by them made, and to pay the funis due from them, whether as farmers, direc- tors, or receivers ; whereto they fhall be obliged by the ordinary methods ufed in the king's reve- nues and affairs, upon complaints exhibited againlt them by the faid John Faidy, or his attornies : His majefty orders, that the receivers, of whatfoever kind they may be, be likewife obliged to produce and deliver to the faid John Faidy, or his attornies, upon their giving receipts, the accounts they have given in, their regifters, land-rolls, and other deeds, by virtue where, of they have received and col- letfled the duties and revenues of the preceding fovereign, and that the faid receivers (hail account for what they have received, and fhall pay the fums llill remaining due from them, under pain of being obliged thereto by the aforefaid methods : His majeflry empowers the faid John Faidy to lemove the receivers, and all other per- fons who fliall have been em- ployed in any part of the direc- tion, receipt, and adminiftration of the duties and revenues, of what nature, and under what denomi- nation foever they may be, of the eleftorate of Hanover, ftates, countries, provinces, towns, dif- trids, commonalties, and admini- ftrations, and to place others in their room, his majefty referving to himfelf the power of order- ing the vouchers of thofe in em- ployment, who may be removed, to be produced, and to provide for the reimburfing them the money they fliall prove to have paid, in the manner he fhall judge pro- per: His majefty orders, that all perfons, of what rank and cpn- N 4 ditioa