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i84 ANNUAL R EG I S T E R, 175S.

dition foever, who have been en- f.o^ end enjoyment of the houfei, trufted under the preceding go- orhces, and utenfils hitherto made vernment with titles, papers, ac- ufeofinthe cireclion and gene- counts, regifters, eftimates, and in ral management of the duties and general, any thing relative to the revenues of all kinds, with the di- direftion, receipt, and adminillra- recdon and adminiilration where- tion of the revenues of the elec- of he is charged, payment being torate of Hanover, the countries, made by him to the proprietors ftates, provinces, towns, dlftricls, of che honfes for the rent thereof, commonalties, and adminiilrations, upon the footing they fhall agree: already conquered from the King His msjelly likewife orders, that of England, Eleftor of Hanover, the receivers, clerks, and in ge» or thofe that may hereafter be fo, neral all thofe who are actually to communicate the fame to the employed in the direftion and faid John Faidy, his attornies, general management of the duties directors, and officers, and to de- and revenues of all kinds, of the liver them authentic copies of all eleftorate of Hanover, countries, the papers they {hall defire to ftates, provinces, towns, diftrifls, have, without any exception for commonalties, and adminiiirations, fo doing, under pain of difobe- may, afcer having been authorized dience : His majefty in like man- thereto by the faid John Faidy, ner orders, under the fame pe. his directors and attornies, con- ralties, that the magiiirates of the tinue to aft in their employments, towns, thofe of the difiricts and without being obliged to take any commonalties, the pcrfons who are new oaths, and that thofe, who at the head of the particular ad- fhall replace them, or come in miniftrations of the Itates and pro- upon a frefti eflablifhment, fhall vinces, fhall deliver, upon the firll be admitted without any charges lequifition of the faid John Faidy, to take the oath, and difcharge his attornies, diredors, and officers, the duty of the employments to eftim.ates, certined by them, of the which they fhall be named, upon produce of fix years, reckoning the fimple prefentation of the laid from the firft of January 1751, to John Faidv, or of his direftors the laft of December I7c;6, of

the duties and revenues which the faid towns, diltrifts, commonalties, and flates of the provinces, are

and attornies, or upon the com- milTions which Ihall be delivered to them : His majelty orders, that the Itates, towns, and adminiftra-

in pofTeffion of; that they likewife tions, commonalties, farmers upon

deliver to the faid John Faidy, his leafe, che directors of the duties

attornies, directors, and ofhcers, and revenues, treafurcrs, receivers

Itates, certified by them, of the general, and particular cafhiers,

fums they fhall have paid to the and in general all thofe who fhall

preceding fovereign during the faid be accountable and indebted to the

fjx years, and ftates of the charges duties and revenues, of what na-

necefTarily incurred during the faid ture foever they be, comprehend-

term, independent of the fums ed in the direction and admini-

they have paid : It is his majefty's ftration with which the faid John

intention and will, that the faid faidy is charged, fhall be well

John Faidy be put into polTef. and truly accjuitted and difcharged
