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towards his Majefty and all others, Eremervorde, the council of Ver-

of whatfoever ibey {hall be found failles was already employed in

to owe, by producing receipts from framing it; and the faid decree

the faid John Faidy, his attornies, implies in clear and precife terms,

receivers, and general cafhiers of that it was determined in the

the accounts they Ihall have given council of Verfailles, to change

in at the lime they fnall be ba- the government and fyflem of the

lanced and acquitted : I: is his ma- eleftcrate of Hanover, notwich-

jefty's will, that any difputes that Handing vvhat was exprefsly pro-

ihall arife with regard to the di- mifed by the capitulation made the

reclion, receipt, and general admi- pthof Auguft, 1757, upon th:" fur~

niftration of the duties and re- render of the capital, and that the

venues of what nature foever they adminiiiration herein mentioned,

be, of the elcdorate of Hanover, with which the faid John Faidy is

countries, llates, provinces, towns, charged, was to extend itfelf to the

diftricts, commonalties, and admi- countries which might hereafter be

niftrations, wherewith the faid John conquered.

Faidy is charged, appurtenances If this confefTion, made by the

and dependencies thereof, be crown of France itfelf, cannot but

brought before the intendant and be confidered as an undeniable

commiiTary, who has the depart- proof, that the fame crown had

ment of the conquered country, a premeditated defign of making

and adjudged by him, faving an an ill ufe of the cefiation of arms,

appeal to the council, his majeity in order to proceed in taking pof-

referving to it the determination feilion of the provinces they had

thereof, and forbidding the fame not yet feized upon, when the

to all courts and judges : His ma- ceiTation of arms was concluded,

jefty enjoins the faid intendant and bring to utter deltrudtion the

and commifTary of the faid de- eledorate of Hanover, without

partment, to fupport the execution leaving the fovereign thereof any

of the prefent decree, which (hall method of preferving it; neither

be executed, notwithllanding all can any one diipute, but that great

oppofition and hindrances, of weight is hereby added to the

which, if any fhould happen, his motives, which have induced the

majelly referves to himftlf and king, our fovereign, to take up

his council the cognizance, and arms afrefli, and which have aU

■forbids the fame to ail courts and ready been laid open to the eyes of

judges. the public. Done at the King's council of

ftate, held at Verfailles the Lewis Fra. Armand du Pleffis,

i8th of the month of Oclober, Duke de Richelieu, General of the

1757. French army in Germany.

(Signed) Eynard, The breaking of the capitula,

and compared with the paraphe. tion of Clo^er-feven, in fpite of

It appears from the date of this the moll folemn treaty, and the

decree, and by what is faid therein, word of honour given by the gene-

ihat, in the weeks immediately rals, renders void the treaty made

fubfeque.nt to the convention of with the country of Hanover, whea
