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she king's army entered it ; and this infradlion of good faith re^ quires the greateft rigour toward the Hanoverian army^ iiowadually in holtilitif:.

Wherefore we order, that all the goods, and all other effefts of what nature foever, belonging to all the officers or others actually with the £aid Hanoverian army, be confif- cated to the king's ufe, and that the adminiftrator general of the con- ooered countries, take pcfreifion thereof, in order to colled the re- venues aiifing therefrom, which srs to be added to the ccnrr;butiop% and to make ufe of them in tlie moft advantageous manner for his ma- jelty, in whatever places of the ccnauered ccuniries they may be filuated.

We ftriftly require Mnnfrcur le X)uc de Randan, commander in the country of Hanover, and a!l other commanders, to enforce the execution of thefe prefents, and to fopport the fame as far as it may concern them.

Done at Zell, Dec. 22, I757. (Signed) The Marfhal Due de Richelieu. And underneath, Le Lurez. C"'^di"i(-n5 of a fultfidy ireacy, tie- IivCi-ed on the i8th of Odcber, in the name of the Landtjrave of Hcffe CafFel, to his excellency the Abbe Count de Bernis, mi- rifier for foreign affairs, by M. Packbellp, the duke de Deux- Ponti' m.inifter.

His mcft ferene highnefs the Landgrave of Heffe Caffel, defires nothing more ardently, than to at- tach himfelf wholly to France, and to make a treaty with the king for that end. [t fhould feem that it might be concluded on the foiicw- ing conditions :

I. The bafis and foundation of it (hil! be the laws and conftitutions of the entpir(>, and the treaties of We"phalia, of which his njajelly is a guarantee.

If. T.Te landgrave Ihal! enter in to no engagement againft the kingand hi; ailie':, nnd (hall never give any troops to ferve again ft France or her allies, nor give any affiftance, di- rei^ly nr indirci'^ly, to the enemies of his maj'-iry and of his a'lies,

III. He {hall never give his vote in the gent-rnl or particular afi"eni- blies of the empire contrary to his majefty's inrert- ih On the contrary, he Ihait employ his influence jointly with France, to put an end to the troubles of the empire.

IV. For this end his moft ferene highnefs fhall put his troops v/hich baveierved in the Hanoverian army, into the pay of France, on condi- tions that ffiall b« agreed on, this condition particularly, that they ihali not ierve in the prefent war againft his Britannic Majeliy.

V. His majpity iTiall, in return, as foon as the treaty is figned, re- llore to the landgrave his ellates ; and ail things ftiall be pat in the condition they were in before the French troops entered them.

VI. Thofe eftrttes fhall not only be evacuated by the French ;.siocu as the treaty is figned, but they fiiall in confcquence thereof be ex- empted from winter quarters, and from all further contributions, ei- ther in money, grain, forage, wood, cattle, or any thing elfe, though already impofed on the fubjefls of HefTe : but his majefty ihall like- wife caufe ready money to be paid for provifions, and every kind of fublilt'-nce, of which his troops may Hand in need in Heife ; upon con- dition, however, that in conlidera-
