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Nor is this always accidental, but often by choice, as,

■ that God's own ear

LTftens delighted ■ 5,

Wherever a foot ends at the paufe, a Trochee will follow gracefully, as,

ado loco Thus said. Native of heav*n, for other place 5.

iindeck'd, save wTth herself, more lovely fair 5,

His {eed, when is not set, (hall bruife my head 10.

jtio in myftk dance, not without s5ng, rcfound 5,

Falreft of liars, lad in the train of night 5.

With the f ixt ftars, fixt in their orb that flics 5.

4to Thefe Sre thy glorious works, parent of good 5.

Each in their cryftal flilice ; he ere they fell 5.

and choral symphonies, day wilhoat end 5.

Now on the pol^ir winds, now with quick fan 5.

jto Spoil'd prTncipalities and pow'rs, triumph'd 10.

A Trochee is not common in this place ; in moft cafes where a v/ord, which in ordinary pronunciation is a Trochee, ends the verfe, Milton throws the accent on the laft fyllable, which makes it an Iambic ; and indeed I believe it is fo in this very verfc, for I renr.ember elfewhere he accents triumph after the Latin,

A Trochee is not fo harmonious if no comma or ' paufe precedes, as» In their triple degrees, regions to which 5.

Liiw and edid on us, who without law 5.

and thou Moon in the viile of ajTdon 2.

That when fair morning firft fmlles on the world 5. Drew after him the third part of heav'n's holl. 5. I meet with a line of Mr. Pope's in the eighth Odyfiey, where perhaps i't may be allowable, as exemplifying the fpring he menrions.

None in the leap fpring with fo ftrong a bound, v. 103. but then we are forced to Hop at leap, where there is no comma.

IV. 0/ the Spondee,

This foot is admitted into every one of the five places ; as, imo Thus they in heav'n ; above the ftarry fphere 3.

Smooth, easy, Inoifeasive down to hell io<.

2do account me man, I for his sake will leave

at such bold w5rds, voilch'd with a deed s6 bold 5.

Tatles not well joln'd inelegant, but bring 5^

and ye five other wandring fire? that move 5,

3tio a cloudy fpot, do-vn thither prone in Right \,

and faithful n5w prov'd faife : b:'it thliik not here 6.

Re'^erv'd him to more wrath ; for now the thoiisht 6. 4t<> and reft can never dwell, hope never comes i.

While day arl;es, that fweet hour of prime 5.

in curls on eitlter cheek play'd, wings he v/cre 3.

ifiaing from me j on your joint vigor now lo.

Z 7, Sllencs