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5to Silence, ye troubled waves ; and thou, deep peace 7.

Nor lawful to rl^veal ; yet for thy wood 5.

So fcentcd the grim feature and up turn'd 10.

The Spondee is often produced by the emphafis falling on 2 fyllabiC that ftiouid regularly be (hort, as,

account me man, 1 for his fake wTU leave

Taftes not well joln'd TneU'g'int —

Often, when the emphafis placed on a fhort fyllable lengthens that foot into a Spondee, it fliortens the preceding foot into a Pyrrhic, as

Finds ro accepcHnce nor can find ; for how 5.

1 offer, on me let thme anger fall 3.

His other half in the great zone of heav'n 5.

V. Of the Pyrrhic.

This foot alfo is found in every of the five places : I mo in his own llrength, this place may lie expOi'd 2.

on the proud crelt of Siitan, that no sight 6.

Unmufical when not balanced by a Spondee, as.

By the waters of life, whcrc-e'er they sate 10.

ado Difperfe it, as now light difpels the dark 5.

Happincfs in his pow'r, left free to will 5.

Springs lighter the green flalic, from thence the leaves

Eve easily may fa'.th admit, that all 1 1.

3tio Converfe with iidam in bow'r or (hade 5.

Finds no acceptance nor Can find ; for how 5.

ai t'A{y thorowfire. Therefore, while I 10.

^to Forthwith behold the excellence, the pow'r 6.

P.y pray'r th' offended delt)- t' appeafe 11.

cto His danger, and from whom, what enemy 5.

Hiid to her center fhdok. What wonder, when


By Eve, tho iiU unwceting, seconded 10.

The Pyrrhic is generally ballanced by a Spondee, unlefs in the fifth place, or at the paufe, where a Trochee follows: otherwife unmufical, perhaps it is falfe quantity, as in Paradile Regained,

With them from bllfs to the bottomlefs deep. Or perhaps, if any quick motion, or remarkable fhortnefs was to be de- icribed, it might be introduced ; but 1 can recoiled^ no inllances. (Mr. Pope, when very young, wrote fuch a verfe,

  • ' So imperceptible was the motion.")

VI. 0/ very /hort Syllables.

The Spondee increafed, and the Pyrrhic leffencd, the quantity of the meafure in the verfe ; but when mixt and ballanced in the fame verfe, it was reduced tc true time. The Anapsjll and Daftyle have each of them
