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an cxcefs of a Ihort fyllable, unlefs we meafure them by mufical times, thus.

Iambic. Trochee. Spondee. Pyrrhic. Anap^ft. Da^flyle.


Quindilian mentions fyllables that are hrenjihui bre'vtores, and this I think Js the cafe in the Engliih Anapsft and Daftyle, in which we are apt to crufli the two fhort fyllables into one, which has produced the Syncope, io commonly marked in our verfe^ for which, I think, jull occafjon is not To freqirenc ; the ryilables might generally be pronounced dillinft, though quick, and wrote full.

and liow'ring odors, clfsia, nard, and bllm, 5.

Why is flow'ring fyncopated ? if to avoid the redundant fyllable that would make an Anapsit, why is not caffia fyncopated inio cafs'a ? if the reafon ib, \.\i6.x. fta is pronounced as two ^ery Jhort fyllables, which will r,ot hurt the quantity ; for the fame reafon we mays and, 1 think, ought to read,

and flSwcring odors, clfsln, nard and bzlm. How would the following verfes look or found, if we were to crowd the two ihort fyllables into one ?

No ingratefal food, .uid food alike thofe pure

N' ingraceful food, &c.

Two only who yet by sov'reign gift pofsGfs

Two 5nl', who yet, &c. If in thefe and many other cafes we muft write and pronounce the fyllables didin^tly, why not in many others where we generally ufe the Syncope? thus,

and diftates to me llumb'nng, or VnfpTres 9.

Hcro.'c deed, chief mfifterv to difsed 9.

in billows, leave i'th'mldfl a horrid vale /.

Why is not the Anarslt admitted here as well as In the foregoing, inllances ?

And didates to mc fiiamb^ring, or infpires

Heroic deed, chief maillry to difsift

in billows, leave in the mldlt a horrid v5le. e in ^i/ the participle, and the prseter tenfe, may llill fuiFer Syncope, as we frequently leave it out in profe and difcourfe: but heaven, and fpirits, and powers, &c. which are generally wrote in verfe, heav'n, and fp'rits, &nd pow'rs, &c. are often two fyllables, as,

as may comport with heaven ; and t5 tafte 5.

Spirits odorous breathes, &c. and may generally be confidered as fuch, and wrote full in moft inllances, ihu3,

Bane, and m heavrn much worfe would be my flate 9.

Sing, heavenly mufe, that en the secrJt top 1.

myriads cf immortal fplrits, 5 powers !

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