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To my ear this verfe would haye been truer had it been ye pow^rj ; otherwife we muil fay thai a redgrdant fyllable mu.l be left at the end of a paufe, as well as of a verfe : or elfe in thi?, as w.'ell as perhaps in the following and feme like inUance.s fpirit makes but one fyllable.

To fprltiial natures; only this i know 5.

My liker/";ng fpritua! to corporeal forms ij.

unlefs we admit feei of four fyllables, which 1 think wc mufl in the two following verfes.

Comes thundering back with dreadfiil revolution 10.

For Soiuiide somcumes is beft Society, perhaps the two lalt fyllables in thefe verfes are 'very pert ones, and' amount to no morr than the hypercataleftica or redundant one at the end of a verfe, and mull not be confidered as Alexandrines.

Vir. Of the Jnap^Ji.

This foot is admitted into every one of the five places ; and is the tnoH mufical after the Iambic and Trochee, but is leafl fo in the firft feat, ai^,

imp ophiusa, but fllll greateft, he the roldft 10.

IS his wrath, also? Be it, man is not so 10.

To evangelize the nations then on all 12, The refl are mere harmonious, as,

ado of many a colour'd plume, fprlnkled with gold 3.

So saying a noble ftroke he ITited high 6.

of mercy and juHice In thy face dTfcern'd 3.

Already in part, tho hid m glo6m:e!l fhade 10.

Stood to cntenain his gueft from heaven, no veil 5.

31^0 in emuiatfon opposite to heaven, 2^

of birds on every bough ; lo much the Clcrs 5.

Near that bTtuminous lake where Sodom fiam'd 10.

and fcourg'd with many a ftroke the indignant waves 10.

of unoriginal night, and ch.\6s wild 10.

4to Lament not eve, but patiently resign 10.

Throws his fteep flight in many an aery wheel 3.

The earth to yield unsavory food perhaps 5.

5tp Hypocrisy, the only evil that walks 3.

By day a cloud, by night a pillar of fire 12.

1 he bird of Jove ftoop'd from his Ihy tour 1 1.

Hurl'd headlong flaming from tic ethereal iky. 1.

VIII. 0/ the DaSyle,

This is ufed, I think, only in the firft four places,

imo Myriads tho bright: If he whom mutiial league I

Many a dark league reduc'd in careful wa:ch |0

Shjdowy sets off the face of things m v?in 5

Following above the olympian hill i soar 7

Timely interposes, and her monthly round 3
