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ther with fix boys, who affift them in the fcrvice of the church, form a fmall college in every town, wherein the hours and other exer- cifes are regulated with the (ame

fons to the governor of Baenos Ay-Tcs (in whofe government the minions of Paraguay are included) as being vice-patron of the miffions, that he may chufe one of them

formality and exaflnefs as in the for curate ; and the curates fhouid

large colleges in the cities of Peru be inllrufted in the duties of their

and Chili. The moll troubleTome office by the bifhop; but as the

part of the duty of the afliftant provincials of the order can beft

priefts are the perfonal vifitations, judge who are properly qualified for

which they are obliged to make to the Iniians to prevent their giving themfelves up to idlenefs: for fuch is the flothfulnefsof the Guaranies, that if they are not very carefully looked after, the fociety would re- ceive no benefit or advantage from them — They alfo attend the pub- lic (hambles, where the cattle ne-

the office, ihe governor and bifhop have ceded their rights to them, and by them the curates are always appointed.

The miffions of the Guaranies, and the mifTions of the Chiquitos, into which the miffions of Paraguay are divided, have each their diltindl father-fuperior, by whom the co-

cefTary for the fufienance of the In- adjutors or affiilant-curates of the dians are daily fiaughtered, and feveral towns in their refpedive di- diflribute the fi'efh amongft all the vifions are appointed. Thefe fupe- families in the town, in proportion riors are continually vifiting the to the number of perfons whereof towns to fee that they be well go- each family confifts ; fo that all may verned, and to endeavour to im- have what is necefTary, none what prove and augment ihem : they is fuperfluous. They alfo vifit the likewife from time to time take fick, and fee that they are properly care to fend out feme fathers of the taken care of. They are generally order into the countries of the wild employed the whole day in thefe Indians to make new converts. The affairs, fo that they have feldom better to enable him to difcharj^e time to affift the curate in his fpi- thefe duties, the fuperior of the ritual funftions. AH the boys and Guaranies is affifted by two vice- girls in the parifh go to church fuperiors, one of whom refidcs in every day in the week (except on Parana, the other upon the banks feftivals and Sundays), where they of the river Uruguay, and the fu-

are inftrufled by the curate : on Sundays the whole parifh goes to the church to be inftrudled. The curate is befides obliged to go to confefs the fick, and to admi-

perior himfelf refides in the town of Candclaria. The polt of fupe- rior of the Chiquitos is not near fo troubleibme as that of the fupe- rior of the Guaranies, for the Chi-

jiiller the viaticum to thofe who quitos are not lefs numerous, but

defire it, and alfo to perform all the other fundlions peculiar to his office.

In flriiTtnefs the curates fhould be appointed in this manner. The fociety fhould nominate three pcr-

much more docile and induftrious than the Guaranies, fo that they need no: be continually watched and attended in order to prevent their idlenefs. The king allows an annual fli- pend