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pend of 300 pezos to each curate of the Guaranies, for the mainte- rance of himfelf and his affiftants : the money is paid to the fuperior, who iiTues out monthly to each ca- race as much as is necefTary for his fubfiftence, and when they want any thing extraordinary, their wants are fupplied upon application to him. But the Chiquitos maintain their own curates. In every town there is a plantation fet apart for the maintenance of the curate, which is cultivaced by the joint la- bour of all the inhabitants. The produce of thefe plantations is ge- nerally more than fufficient for tke fubiiitence of the curates, and the furplus is fold to buy ornaments for the churches.

Nor are the curates fpiritual rec- tors of the towns only, they are alfo in eifeft the civil governors. It is true, there are in every town of the millions a governor, regi- dores, and alcades, as there are in the other towns and cities under the Spanifh government. But though the governor is elected by the In- dians, he muft be approved by the curate before he enters upon his office, nor can he chaflife or punifh delinquents without the curate's permiffion. The curate examines thofe who are accufed of offences, and if he finds them guilty deli- vers them to the governor to be pu- nifhed, according to the nature and quality of the offeree com- mitted. He fometimes orders them to be imprifoned for a few days, foraetimes to fail, and when the fault is confiderable to be whipped, which is the fevereil pu- nilhment that is ever inflifted ; for the regulations and inftruftions of the curates have been fo effica- cious, that murder and fuch like

heinous crimes are never here committed ; and even before they undergo thefe gentle corrections, the curate difcourfes the offenders in a mild friendly manner, and endeavours to excite in them a due fenfe of their crime, and of the ill confcquences that might flow from it, and to convince them that they merit a much greater pu- niihment than is inflidted, This mild treatment prevents tumults and infurreftions, and acquires the curates univerfal veneration and efteem. The alcades are chcfea annually by the regidores. The governor, regidores, and alcades, are all Indians of the bell caoaci- ties, and are, in effect, fo many oyerfeers appointed by the curate, and dignified with thefe empty titles.

Every town has its armoury, or magazine, in which are lodged the fire-arms and other weapons, wherewith the militia are armed when they take the field, to repei the irruptions of the Portuguefe and wild Indians. The militia are very dextrous and expert ia the management of their arms, and are exercifed on the eves of feftivals, in the fquares or public places of the towns. The militia is compofed of all thofe who are able to bear arms ; they are formed into companies, which have each a proper number of officers chofea from amonglt thofe who are moH difiinguifhed for judgment andcoo- du(!l. The drefs of the officers is rich, adorned v.'ith gold and Jiiver, and the device of the town to which they belong ; they always appear in their uniforms on fef- tivals, and on the days of military exercifes. The governor, alcades, and regidores, have alfo proper
