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Ah ! whither, Goddefs ! whither am I borne ? To what wild region's necromantic (hore ? Thefe panics whence ? and why my bofom torn With fudden rerrors never felt befgre ? Ddfknefs inwraps me round. While from the vail profound Emerging fpedrt:. dread u! fhapes alTume, And, gleaming on my fight, add horror to the gloomj

V. Ha! what is He whofe fierce indignant eye.

Denouncing vengeance, kindles into flame? Whofe boiflerous fury blows a ftorm fo high, A$ with its thunder (hakes his labouring frame* What can fuch Rage provoke? His words their pallage choak ; His f agc?r fteps nor time nor truce allow. And dreadiui dangers wait the menace of his brov*r,


Proteft me, Goddefs ! whence that fearful (hriek

Of conHernation ? as grim death had laid His icy fingers on fome guilty cheek,

And all the powers of manhood ftirunk difmay'd ; Ah fee 1 befmear'd with gore. Revenge i^ands threatening o'er ""A pale delinquent, wiiofe retorted eyes In vain for pity call- • the wretched viflim dies.


Nor long the fpace — abardon'd to defpair.

With eyes aghall, or hopelefs fixt on eaith. This flave of pafiion rends his fcatter'd hair. Beats his fad bieafr, and execrates his birth : While torn within, he feels The pangs of whips and wheels ; And fees, or fancies, all the fiends below. Beckoning his frightful foul to realms of endlefs woe»

VIII. Before my wondering fenfe new phantoms dance.

And (lamp their horrid Ihapes upon my brain—— A wretch with jealous brow, and eyes alkance. Feeds all in lecret on his bofom pain. Fond love, fierc; hate, affail; Alternate they prevail : While confcicus pride and fliame with rage confpire. And urge the latent fpark to iiaxnes of torturing fire.

IX. The