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The ftorm proceeds- his changeful vifage trace i

From rage to madnefs every feature breaks. A growing phrenzy grins upon his face.

And in his frightful ftare Diltra6tion fpeaks : His Araw-inveited head Proclaims ail reaun fled ; And not a tear bedews thofe vacant eyes But fongs and fhouti fucceed, and laugiiter-mingled fighs,


Yit, yet again !■ a Murderer's hand appears

Grafping a pointed dagger f.ain'd with blood ! His look malignant chills with boding fears. That check the current of life's ebbing flood. In midnight's darkeil clouds The dreary mifcreaot llirowds

His felon ftep as 'twere to darknefs given

To dim the watchful eye of all-pervading Heaven,

XI. And hark ! ah Mercy ! whence that hollow found ? Why with ftrange horror ftarts my briftling hair j Earth opens wide, and from unhallow'd ground A pallid Gholl: How-rifing fteals on air* To wnere a mangled corfe Expos'd without remorfe Lies fhroudlefs, unentomb'd, he points the way— «— Points to the prowling wolf exultant o'er his prey.


" Was it for this, he crie?, with kindly Ihower

" Of daily gifts the traytor I carefs'd ? ♦' For this, arrav'd him in the robe of power,

  • ' And lodg'd my royal fecrets in his brealt ;

'* O kindnefs ill repay'd ! " To bare the murdering blade

«' Againft my life ! may Heav'n his guilt explore,

  • • And to my fuffering race their fplendid rights rellore.**


He faid, and ftalk'd away. Ah ! Goddefs, ccafe.

Thus with terrific forms to rack my brain ; Thefe horrid phantoms fhake the throne of Peace, And Reafon calls her boailed powers in vain : Then change thy magic wand. Thy dreadful troops dilband. And gentler Ihapes, and fofter fcenes difclofe. To melt the feeling heart, yet footh its tendereft woes.

^ C c 3 XIV. Th«