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•* Then if creative Genius pour his ray,

    • Warm with infpiring influence on thy breaft ;

" Tafte, judgment, fancy, if thou can'ft difplay, '* And the deep fource of paflion ftand confell j

  • • Then may the liftening train,

" Afie^ed, feel thy ftrain ;

  • ' Feel Grief, or Terror, Rage, or Pity move:
    • Change with thy varying fcenes, and every fccne approve.

XXV. Humbled before her fight, and bending low,

J kifs'd the borders of her crimfon veft ; Eager to fpeak, I felt my bofom glow, But fear upon my lip her feal impreft. While awe-ftrack thus I Uood, The bowers, the lawn, the wood. The Form celestial, fading on my fight, Diffolv'd in liquid air, and fleeting gleams of light.

Ode for his Majejlys Birth -Day ^ Nov. 10, 1 75 8.

Written by William Whitehead, Efq; Poet-Laureat, and fet to mu- i'lc by Dr. Boyce, Mafter of the King's Band. The vocal parts by Meff. Beard, Savage, Wafs, Cowper, Barrow, and the rell of the gentlemen and children of the chapel royal; the inflrumental by his Majefty's band, &c.


jihout the year ()Si, Oitoberto, of the family of EJle, pajjfed from Italy into Germany, ivith the Emperor Otho the Great. Azo, his defendant , in the next century, by a marriage 'vjith the daughter of IVelfus Count Altdorf, inherited the dominions of that family in Suahia. IV elf us y afon of that marriage, in theyear 1 06 1 , received the Dukedom of Bavaria from the Emperor Henry the IVth. The defendants of Welfus became afteiivards poJJ'ef/ed of thofe Duchies nju-hich lie betiveen the Elbe and the Wefer (Brunfivick, Wolf enbut tie, Lunenburgh, Zell, Hanover, i^c.) and in the year ij lAr George the frft, Duke and EleSor of Hanover, fucceeded to tht throne of Great Britain.

I. HEN Othbert left th' Italian plain. And foft Atefle's green domain Attendant on Imperial fway Where Fame and Otho led the way,

X The
