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The Genius of the Julian hills

(Whofe piny fummits nod with fnow, Whofe Naiads pour their thouTands rills

To fvvell th' exulting Po) An eager look prophetic call. And hail'd the Hero as he pafs'd.

Hail, all hail, the woods reply'd.

And Echo on her airy tide Roll'd the long murmurs down the mountain's fide,

U. The voice refum'd again. Proceed, Nor caft one ling'ring look behind ; By thofe who toil for virtue's meed Be every fofter thought refign'd ; Nor focial home, nor genial air. Nor glowing funs are worth thy care ; New realms await thee in a harlher fky. Thee, and thy chofen race from Azo's nuptial tie,


'Tis Glory wakes ; her aflive flame

Nor time (hall quench, nor danger tame.

Nor * Boia's amplell range confine.

The' Guelpho reigns, the Guelphic line. Yon Northern Star, which cimiy gleams

Athwart the twilight veil of eve, Muft point their path to diftant ftreams.

And many a wreath ihall Vid'ry weave. And many a palm Ihall Fame difplay To grace the warriors on their way.

Till regions bow to their commands

Where Albis widens thro' the lands. And vail Vifurgis fpreads his golden fands.


Nor reft tney there. Yon guiding fire

Still fhines aloft, and gilds the main ! Not Lion f Henry's foft defire

To grafp ih' Italian realms again,

  • Bavaria.

■f Henry the Lion, Duke of Bavaria, Saxony, 8cc. was one of the grcateil heroes of the Xllch century. He united in his own perlbn the hereditary do- minions of five families. His claims upon Italy hinrlered him from joining with the Emperor Frederick I. in this third attack upon the Pope ; tho' he had affifted him in the two former. For which ha was Itripped of his dominions by that Emperor, and died in 1195, pofleffed only of thofe duchies which lie between the Elbe and the Wefer.

From this Henry, and a fifter or daughter of Henry II. of England, his prc- eat Majefty is lineally defcended.
