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Nor warring winds, nor wintry Teas Shall Itop the progrefb Fate decrees : For lo ! Britannia ca'ls, to happier coafts. And vales more verdant far than fofc Atelle boafls !

V. Behold, with euphrafy I clear, Thy vifual nerve, and fix it there. Where, crown'd with rocks grotefque and ftecp. The White Ifle rifes o'er the deep ! 7 here Glory lefts. For there arrive

Thy chofen fons ; and there attain To the firil title Fate can give.

The father Kings of free-born men ! Proceed. Rejoice. Defcend the vale. And bid the future monarchs hail !

Hail, all hail,' the Hero cry'd. And Echo on her airy tide Purfu'd him murmuring down the mountain's fide.


  • Twas thus, O King, to Heroes old

The mountains breath'd the ftrain divine,

  • Ere yet her volumes Fame unroll'd

To trace the wonders of thy line ; 'Ere Freedom yet on Ocean's bread Had northv/ard fix'd the halcyon neft ; Or Albion's oaks defcending to the main. Had roll'd her thunders wide, and claim'd the watry reign.

Vll. But now each Briton's glowing tongue. Proclaims the truths the Genius fung ; On Brunfwick's name with rapture dwells. And hark, the gen'rous Chorus fwells ! •* May years and happy years roll o'er, 'Till glory clofe the fhining page. And our ill-fated fons deplore

The fhortnel's of a Neitor's age ! Hail, all h«il, on Albion's plains The friend of man and freedom reigns !

Echo waft the triumph round,

  • Till Gallia's utmoll Ihores rebound,

And all her bulwarks tremble at the found/*
