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Ode for the Ke'ut i^ear I759.

^"r/Z/^w /y William Whitehead, E/q; Poet Lam-eat, and fet hy Dr, Boyce, Mafter of his Majefy^s band of mufic.

The 'vocal parts hy Mef. Beard, Savage, Baildon, Wafs, Barro'vy, LadJ Denham, Ccixper, and the other gentlemen and children of the chafei rcval The injirumental by Dr. Nares, the King^s band, \£<,


YE guardian Powers, to vvhofe command At Nature's birth, th' Almighty Mind The delegated tafc aflign'd To watch o'er Albion's favour'd land. What time your hofts with choral lay, Emerging from its kindred deep, Ap^-iaufive hail'd each verdant fteep. And white rock, glitt'ring to the Eew-born dav J Angelic bands, where'er ye rove.

Whim lock'd in llsep creaiian Wci^ Whether to genial dews above

You melt the congregated flcies, Or teach the torrent ftreams below

To wake the verdure of the vale. Or guide the varying winds that blovv To fpced the coming or the parting fail. Where'er ye bend your roving flight, Willi ft now the radiant Lord of light

Winds to the North his Aiding fpherc. Avert each ill, each blifs improve. And teach the minutes as they move To blefs the opening year.


Already Albion's lifted fpear

And rolling thunders of the main.

Which Jultice' facred laws maintain. Have taught the haughty Gaul to fear. On other earths, in other Ikies,

Beyond old Ocean's wsflern bound.

The' bleeds afredj th' eternal wound. Again Britannia's crofs triumphant flies.

To Britifh George, the King of Iflcs, The tribes that rove th' Acadian fnows,

Redeem'd from Gallia's polifh'd wiles.

Shall breathe their voluntary vows :
