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Where Nature guards her lafl retreat.

And pleas'd Allraea lingers ilill. While Faith yet triumphs o'er Deceit, And Virtue reigns, from ignorance of ill. Yet Angcl-pow'rs, tho' Galh'a bend. The' Fame, with all her wreaths, attend

On bleeding War's tremendous fway. The fens of Leifure flill complain. And niufing Science fighs in vain. For Peace is flill away. Epode. Go, then, ye faithful guides Of her returning fteps, angelic band. Explore the facred feats where Peace refide?,- And waves her olive wand. Bid her the waftes of War repair.

O fouthward feek the flying Fair,

For not on poor Germania's harrafs'd plain.

Nor where the Villula's proud current fwells. Nor on the borders of the frighted Seine,

Nor in the depths of Ruflia's fnows fhe dwells; Yet O, where'er, deferting Freedom's ifle. She gilds the flave's delufive toil. Whether on Ebro's banks (he flrays. Or fighing traces Taio's winding ways. Or fofc Aufonia's (hores her feet detain, O bring the wand'rer back, with Glory in her train.

j'er/gste the People of England, i'j':^2.By^i.i.'^H\T^wZkXi,E/i,PoetLaureatr

_ . Mures ar.imos in martia hella *

Verfihui exacuit. HoR.

BRITONS, roufe to deeds of death! Wafte not zeal in idle breath, Nor lofe the harveft of your fwords In a civil-war of words !

Wherefore teems the fhamelefs prefs With labour'd births of" emptinefs ? Reas^vings which no fadls produce; Eloquence, that murders ufe ; Ill-tim'd Humour, that beguiles Weeping ideocs of their fmiles ; Wit, that knows but to defame ; And Satire, that profanes the name. Let th* undaunted Grecian teach The ufe and dignity of" fpeech. At whofe thunders nobly throwix

Shrunk ihe Man ofMACEDON. ,
