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In Sparta, once for arms renown'd.

Mars train'd his nobleft fons cf fame; Politeft arts and manners crown'd.

With Attic fweets, the Athenian name.

From Lacedrftnon's hardy race

Our Germans, fir'd with martial rage, DauntleTs to fame, thro' danger, prefs.

Ennobled in th' hiftoric page.

But foon their flow'ry garlands fade.

And wither from the public view ; No tuneful bard's reforming aid

Their harfh negleded language knew.

This tafk, Saxonian Siuan / be thine ;

Thy native tongue, with powerful art. In niggard nature's fpight, refine.

And fweetly-melting founds impart.

In Heliconian ftrains afTume,

And fwell our German Heroes praife; Immortal fhall their laurels bloom,

Eniwin'd with thy PamaJJlan bays.

The Profeffor'*! An/iuer,

HEaven that difiinguifhes but few. Was lavifti, matchlefs Prince! to you; ]t graced you with the mingled charms. Of wifdom, poetry, and arms, And bade you, thus adorn'd, engage The wonder of each future age : It form'd you in that happy mean, Thofe blameable extremes between. Of Britijh genius too profound. And French, for levity renown'd. Hence, nicely poiz'd, and well refin'd. True grandeur dignifies your mind ; No clouds of paffion ever roll, T' obfcure the brightnefs of your foul.

Mars now, where-e'er your ftandards fly. Submits to your corrective eye. And forms, as in his nobleft fchools, Jiis heroes by your better rules j

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