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And hence your Germans rife in fame Superior to the Roman name. Long exil'd from their native home Th' Athenian Mujes forc'd to roam In fearth of feme belov'd retreat, Amidft your cohorts fix their leat, Tranfported, yi»ur beheil' obey. And follow where you lead the %yay._ Fame's greeneft laureat-wreath y^u feize, And pluck, ferene in learned eaie. Leaving ih' hiliorian; of your age, T' ii'lcribe you on th' immortal page, Thefe godlike ta4ents uic — ana foon M«y fmiling Peace, (celeltial boon!) Her blooming olives all divine Around your facred temples twine. This bleffing, mighty i^rince ! beilow. And every obl^acle oerthrow. While, with poetic raptures warm'd, I fing the wonders you've perform'd,

'Rotterdam, Jan. 24, 1758. B. S —

Ode in the Second Aa nf Agls, a Tragedy, as it 'was perfermid at thi Theatre-Royal in Drury lane*

Mrs. Prit chard.

W'OES approach, till now unknown, Difcord fnakes the Spartan throne, Heav'n avert the ills we fear ! Jove, from -high Olympus, hear!

Chorus. Ever may his mighty arm Save the Spartan Hate from harm! Ne'er may proud invaders boall Glory from < ur glory loft. Light, O Jove, that facred fire Which did Sparta's fon^ infpire. When the prince and People ftrove. Burning with their country's love. Xerxes, lord of ;Treat alarms, Xerxes rotz d the world to arms.

Prieft of Jupiter, Mr. Champnefs. The earth was troubled at his hoft, The fprings were dry'd, the rivers loft :
