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But Spartan valour check'd his pride,

A flender band his hoft defyd :

Thermopvlie, (immortal name!)

Beheld the Perfian tyrani'^ fname. C^jorus ef all.

There the brave three hundred dy'd.

Faithful by their Prince's iide,

Th:-re they conqaer'd the' they dy'd,

Prieft of Hercules, Mr. Beard.

On earth below, in heav'n above,

Rever'd, victorious, fon of Jove !

Hear, Alcides hear our pray'r.

Thy godlike ofFspring claims thy care. Chorus.

Agis of thy race divine,

Try'd in labours liKe to thiae. Undaunted, like thee, with monliers he frrives ; The fierceft of Hydras in faftioa revives.

l( he falls a fa rifice,

Never more ftiall Sparta rife !

Ode in the Fifth Acl.

Mr. Garri k.

MOURN, ye fons of Sparta, mourn. Pour the fad lamenting drain. Wretched people ! land forlorn ! Mourn the beii of Princes llain.

Prieft of Jupiier, Mr. Champnefs. He fell not as the warrior falls, Whofe breart defends the narive walls; To trecfon Agis bow'd his head. And by his guilty fubjeds bled: Betray'd by thofe his mercy fpar'd ; Ingratitude was his reward.

Prieft of Hercules, I^r. Beard. Yet Agis triumph'd in his fall ; For Virtue triumphs over all; Great, fuperior to his fate. He only griev'd for Sparta's llate : "When Jove decrees a nation's doora'^ He calli their heroes to the tomb. Fearlefs they fall, immortal rife. And claim the freedom of the fkies.

Chorus. Agis Iriuaiph'd in his fail. Virtue triumphs over all ! Such a King fhall ne'er return. Our country and ourfelves we mourn.

D d 4 Chorus