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And can I then with guilty pride. Which fear nor fliame can quell i or hide,

This flefti ftill pamper aid adorn I Thus viewing what I ioon Jhall he. Can what 1 am demand the knee.

Or look on aught around with fcorn ?

But then \his fpark that warms, that guides. That lives, that thinks, what fate betides?

Can thij be dull, a kneaded clod ! This yitjd to death ! the lou!, the mind. That mcafufes heav'n, and mounts the wind^

That knows at once itfelf and God !

Great Caufeof all, above, below,

W ho knowb Thee, mull for ever knoWj

Immnrtal and divine ! Thy imag. on my foul impreft, Ofendlels being is the telt.

And bids Eternity be mine I

Tranfportirg thought ! — but am I fure That tndlefs life will joy fecure i

Joys only to the jult decreea ! The guilty wretch, expiring, goes Where vengeance cndlefs lift" beftows.

That tndlefs milery may fuccced.

Great God ! how awful is the fcene ! A breath, a tranfient between ;

And cat) 1 jcft, and laugh, and play ? To earth, alas ! roo iirmi) bound. Trees deeply rooted in the gronnd.

Are Ihiyer'd when they're torn away.

Vain joys, which envy'd greatnef^ gains, Hoiv do }0u hind with filken chains.

Which ifk ilerculc n llrength to bre.k \ How with new terrors have ye arm'd The pow'r whofe flightefl glance alarm'd !

How many deaths of one ye make.

Yet, dumb with wonder T bfhold Man's thoughtlefs race, in error bold.

Forget or fcorn the la-ws ot Death : With ihe/e no proje<5ts coincide, Nor vows, nor t')ils, nor hoiie?. they guide,

Each thinks he draws immortal breath.

Each, blind to fate's approaching hour. Intrigues, or fights, for wealth or pow'r.
