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And flumb'rirg dangers dare provoke; And he, who tott'ring fcarce fuHains A cent', 's age, plans future gains.

And feels an unexpected ftroke. Go on, unbridled defp'rate band, Sccro rocks, gulphs, ui'^ds, fearch Tea and land.

And fpoil rievv worlds v^hcrever found. Seize, bafte to feize, the glitt'ring priz-?. And '.igns, and tears, and pray'rs defpife.

Nor Tpare the temple's holy ground. They go. fucceed ; hut look again, »

The defp'rate band you feek in vain.

Now troJ in duft che peafant's fcorn. But who that favv their treafures fwell. That heard the infatiate vow rebel,

Wou'd e'er have thought them mortal born? See the world's Victor mounts his car. Blood marks his progreis wide and far.

Sure he fn^ll reign whi.'e ages fly; No, Vc.nifh'd like a morning cloud. The iH ro was but j.d allow'd

To fight, to conquer, and to die.

And is it true, I afic with dread. That na:ions heap'd on narions bled.

Beneath his chariot's fervid wheel. With tropnies to adorn the fpot Where his pale corfe was left to rot.

And doom'd the hungry reptile's meal f

Yes, Fortune, weary'd with her play. Her toy, this Hero, calls away.

And fcarce the form of Man is feen ; Awe chiijs my breaft, my eyes o'erJiow, Around my brows no ;ofes glow.

The cyprefs mine, funereal green !

Yet in this hour of grief and fears, When awful Truth unve I'd aopears.

Some pow'r unknown ufurps my breaft j Back to the world my thoughts are led ! My feet in FojIv's lab'rinth tread.

And Fancy dreams that life is bleft.

How weak an Emprefs is the Mind, Whom Pleafure's flow'ry wreaths can bind.

And captive to her altars lead ! Weak Reafon yields to Phrenzy's rage. And all the world is Folly's ftage.

And all that a^ are fools indeed^-
