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What fliall the wife, the prudent ? they

"Will feize the bounty of to-day. And prollrate to the Gods their grateful homage pay. The man whom Tfis' ftr-am infpMcs,

Whom Pallas ovns, and Pi cebus fires.

Whom Suada, fmiling goddefs, deigns

To guide in fweet H; bisan plains, He Winter's ftorm, undaunted Uill, fuftains. Black loU'ing /kies ne'er hurt the breaft

Bv white-roi/d innocence poffert.

Rocir as >e lii^, ye wir.ds, begin,

Virtue proclaims fair Peace within j Ethereal power ! 'tis yi u that bring The balmy Zephyrs, and reflure the Spring.

ne Plea/ures of the Mind*

KIND Nature with a mother's joys Her every art to charm employs. For man the golden King of day Pours light, health, beauty, in his ray. The morn in filver treffes bright, With milder charms falutes his figlvt, y^nd Night her fiiadowy curtain draws. Indulging fleep's refrefliing paufe : For man the purple-finger'd Hours Drefs beauteous Spring in new born flowers j Teach her to breathe a rich perfume, A fmile with eye-enchanting bloom. Then ripe in beauty's glowing pride. Blithe Summer, SoVs, refulgent bride. Bids Plenty revel o'er the plains, "And carol heart-enlivening {trains. Next Autumn calls the fylvan powers. To lay him foft in fliaciy bow'rs. Where grape and neftarine, plumb and peach. May tempting hang within his reach ! Lafi, Winter comes to rule the year, ]n fweet viciiEtude fevere ; See him on Zembla'i, mountains Hand, He ftretches out his palfied hand. And all his magazines unfold Their copious hoards of ice and cold The hail in volilos rattles round, The fnow defcending, (hrouds the ground: Deep-bellowing burlts of thunder roll. And pleafin? horror fwells the foul.
