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With ftill improv'd delight, the Mind

Behold? her powers unconfin'd.

She roves with Nature, and explains

What virtues live in fecret veins

Of herbs ; bids F/ora^s children rife

In naked beauty to her eyes.

To the foft ferenade of gales

Thro' Ocean's liquid realms (he fails.

Thro' pearly world?, thro' coral groves.

Where every fcaly wonder roves :

With Phoebus, in his chariot driv'n.

She journeys thro' th' expanfe of heav'n j-

Now rolling round on S.Jurns ring.

Now rovijig on the comet's wing.

And urging flill her airy flight.

She gains thofe Aniling realms of lights

Where fons of blils, immortals dwclT,

In golden groves of Afphodel.

Now confcious of celeltial fkill.

Her forming pow'r fhe tries at will.

Her pencil weds aflenting dies,

And fee a new-born world arife.

Here charms the eye the blofTcm'd grove.

Where, looking blifs, young lovers rove 5

There ferpentine the river glides.

And nibbling flocks adorn its fides.

Soft'ning to flefh the marble lives.

And takes ach attitude fhe gives :

Here nerv'd to flrength the hero ftands.

There orators extend their hands ;

The patriot here, by Freedom's fide.

Smiling pours out the vital tide ;

Here Beauty charms the gazing eye.

The Loves and Graces waiting by :

Is it the breeze chat wakes the fpring ?

Or fay, does Philomela S\r\g,

And bid the lift'nmg ear rejoice ?

'Tis Mufic tunes her heav'uly voice.

Her voice of Iweetelt fkill to raife

The drooping heart ten thoufard ways.

Now heav'n-criught fury fires che foul.

And fpurning oft earth's dull controul,

Vent'rous fhe wings her full-plum'd flight.

Deceits new regions of delight ;

Led by enchantrefs Fancy roves

1 he Mules gay ideal groves.

Where countlefs beings Itrike her eve,

Confus'd in glitt'ring novelty ;

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