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25- ,

Here pralffi is weak ; here words are vain ;

Let Fancy reign fupreme : Since Pope, in his fublimell Urain,

Mull finlc beneath the theme.

The latter part of Chap. VI. of St. Matthw, Paraphrafed. By the late celebrated Mr. Thomson, Author of the Semon:,.

WHEN my bread labours with oppreflive care. And o'er my cheek defccnds the falling tear. While all my warring paffion> are at tlrife. Oh, let me lillen to the word of life! Raptures deep-felt his doctrines did impart. And thus be raii'd from earth the drooping heart. Think not, when all your fcanty ftores afford Is fpread at once upon the fparing board ; Think not, when worn the homely robe appears. While on the roof the howling tempeft bears; V/hat farther Ihall this feeble life foftain, ^nd what (hall cloath thefe (hivering limbs again. Sav, does not life its nourifhment exceed ? And the fair body its invefting weed f

Behold ! and look away your low defpair —

See the light tenants of the barren air:

To them, nor ilores, nor granaries belong.

Nought but the woodland, and the pleafmg fong;

Yet, your kind heavenly Father bends his eye

On the lead wing that flits along the Iky.

To him they fing, when Spring renews the plaiOf.

To him they cry in Winter's pinching reign ;

Nor is their mufic, nor their plaint in vain ;

He hears the gay. and the diftrefsful call.

And with unfparing bounty fills them all.

Ohterve the rifing lily's fnowy grace,

Obferve the various vegetable race ;

They neither toil nor ipin, but carelefs grow.

Yet fee how warm they blufh ! how bright they glow !

What regal vellments can with thetn compare?

What King fo Ihining ! or what Queen fo fair!

If, ceafeleis thus the fowls of heav'n he feeds.

If, o'er tke fields fuch lucid robes he fpreads ;

Will he not care for you, ye faithlefs, fay !

is he unvvife, or arc sou Icfs than they ?

