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On reading Hutchinsoi.' on the PaJJlom,

THOU who thro' Nature's various faults canft rove. And fiievv what fprings our eager paffions move, Teach us to combat anger, grief, and fear. Recall the figh, and drop the falling tear. Oh ! be thy fcft philofophy addrell To the untroubled ear and tranquil bread! To thefe be all thy peaceful maxims taught. Who idly roam amidft a calm of thought ; Whofe fouls were ne'er by love or hace pofTeft, Who ne'er were wretched, and who ne'er were bleft ; Whofe fainter wifhes, pleafures, fears, remain. Dreams but of blifs, and (hadows but of pain. Serenely llupid— " So fome (hallow ftream

  • ' Flows gently thro' the valley, ftill the famej
    • Whom no rude winds can ever difcompnfe,
    • Who fears no winter rains, nor falling fnovvs,
  • ' But flowly down its flow'ry border creeps,

" While the fofc zephyr on its bofom fleeps." Oh '. could'ft thou teach the tortur'd foul to know.. With patience, each extreme of human woe; To bear with ills, and unrepining prove The frowns of fortune, and the racks of love; Still ftiould my breall fome pious moment (hare, Still rife fuperior to each threatening care. Nor fear approaching ills, or diitant woes. But in Philemon's abfence find repofe.


r<? FEAR.

OThou, dread foe to honour, wealth and fame, Whofe tongue can quell the ftrong, the fierce can tame, Relentlefs Fear 1 ah ! why did fate ordain My trembling heart to own thy iron reign ? There are, thrice happy ! who difdain thy fway. The merchant wand'ring o'er the wat'ry way ; The chief ferene before th' a(raulted wall ; The climbing llatefman, thoughtlefs of his fall; All whom the love of wealth or pow'r infpires. And all who burn with proud Ambition's fires: But peaceful bards thy conftant prefcnce know, O tLou of ev'ry glorious deed the foe ! Of thee the filent (\udious race complains. And Learning groans a captive in thy chains. Thefecret wllh when fome fair objeft moves. And caution* Reafon what we wi(h approver.

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