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IX. Tby healing power? the Youth fhall yearly fing.

And age, recruited, v\rcaihs on th' e beftow : For, tiuM the preftient Mufe, O virtuous. Spring !

W bile murmurs tIciKon, thy fount (hall flow.

X. Not mine, be told the truth, noHmine the lays ;

Ur. heard, the favour of the Nine 1 fue ; Love cull'd this chaplet of immortal praife.

And grateful fprinkled Vvith Callalian dew.

^ti Bpifo^e. From Avon ; a Poem, in three parts.

IN ages part, as holy bards record, Locrine of fair Loegna's fields was lord ; From Brutus he ; who fpread a: Heaven's command His fated laiis for Albicn's happy land : His fails ih'= valiatit Corira:us bore His bold nff'cia e to the chalky Ihore. 1 ho' much the chief for arduous deeds might claim. His daughter' beauty match d his arms in lame. Yet lovely as (he Ihoi e, Ihe fhone in vain To Lccrint's eves, and met v-iih cold oiidnn : Tho' to give firmnefs to the tctt'ring tlircne. And make \\tr father^ dreaded po^'r his own, , The Prince wi h pray'rs and policy comply'd. And made the flighted Gueldolen his briae. Peace took h^T flight, for love hrfd never fpread IJu' joyous pinions o'lr the nuptial bed. But loon th ill-fated chief was dooai'o to prove The power cf charms and tyranny of love. Whtn fied the Hun t-efore his conqu'ring hoft. And left his name to boiil'rous Humber's coalt, A Nymph a^ Summer uarm, and fweet as Spring, Enrich'd the fpoiJs of fair Loegria's King. The vi£tor's eye the lovely captive feiz'd. At once fhe pain'd him, and at once (he p'eas'd. Dillrefs had fcfien'd ev'iy tender grace. And pour'd refiftlefs languor o'er her face. Love made th' aflault, and fcon at large pofTefs'd, With all a conqu ror's pomp, his yielding brealt } While her great father's awful power alone Secur'd the flighted Gueldolen the throne; Wiih her awhile the glitt'ring pride remain'd. But bright Eliriljis only charm'd and reign'd. The fair, not confcious of the facred claim, Approv'd his paiCon, as (he (har'd his flame. But Locrine fought the fylvan fliade among, .Studious of peace, and mindful of the wrong.
