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Some ftill retreat ; remov'd from curious eyes

Of the fierce rival, or afliduous fpies.

As flies the parent bird on wings of fear,.

And angui(h'd fees the watchful Ihepherd near.

Now flops, and looks, and heaves the downy breafl^.

Then trembling hurries to the fecret neft:

So the fond Prince his cautious vifits paid ;

So fear'd obfervance, and fo watch'd the fhade.

Their paflion here the lovely Sabra crown'd.

In life as blamelefs, as in death renown'd.

Pehold the fweet but unexpanded rofe.

Behold in bright effulgence when it glows :

The Firgin thus gave hints of ev'ry grace

That time had open'd in her parent's face.

Harmonious health of mind and body blefs'd

Her days with pleafure, and her nights with reft ;

No care had love for her, no torments hate.

No charms ambition, or allurements ftate.

Sweet were thy days ere Locrine's reftlefs mind

Pifdain'd the grant of even a blifs confin'd.

But tho' life's giddy cup we wifely blend.

Folly's light froth will yer at lad afcend.

Thus when the ^een, enough diftrefs'd to prove

The fliarp refledlion of rejected love,

Wept her greatyFrf, who full cf years and praife

Had feal'd the glorious records of his days ;

He gave the fcepter to the fav'rireya/r,

That one the kingdom, and the King might (hare^

The facred vows of holy love abu 'd.

Her glory darken'd, and her crown refus'd.

Her charms detefted, and a rival blefs'd.

Were wrongs the ^een in tented fields redrefs'd ;

There ftern Revenge dug Locrine's early grave.

And funk t\it fair beneath th' avenging wave.

Enough is given 'o lo've, enough \.o pride,

Eftrildio wrong'd thee, and Eftriluis died.

Infatiatey«>-^. what has Sabra done f

Or wherefore expiates errors not her own ?

See Death's dread agents hide their reeking hands.

And flan with horror at the dire commands.

O feel her tear-, ! O read her fualive eyes !

But what can ruthlefs jealoufy iufRce i

For, trembling as it flow'd, the fedgy ftream

Receiv'd the virgin, and retain'd her name.
