Page:The Apocryphal Acts of Paul, Peter, John, Andrew and Thomas.djvu/200

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I have no place, and I have places. Amen.
I have no temple, and I have temples. Amen.
I am a lamp to thee, who beholdest me. Amen.
I am a mirror[1] to thee who perceivest me. Amen.
I am a door to thee who knockest at me. Amen.
I am a way to thee, wayfarer. Amen.


96. "Now if you respond to my dancing, see thyself in me who speaks; and when thou hast seen what I do, keep silence about my mysteries! Thou that dancest, perceive what I do; for thine is this passion of the manhood which I am to suffer! For thou couldst not at all have apprehended what thou sufferest if I had not been sent unto thee as the Word by the Father. When you saw what I suffer, thou hast seen me as suffering; and seeing that, thou hast not stood firm, but wast moved wholly. Moved to become wise, thou hast me for a support. Rest upon me! Who am I? Thou shalt not know when I go away. What I am now seen to be, that I am not. Thou shalt see, when thou comest. If thou hadst known how to suffer, thou wouldst have had (the power) not to suffer. Know thou suffering, and thou shalt have (the power) not to suffer. That which thou knowest not, I will teach thee. Thy God am I, not that of the betrayer. I would

  1. In Pseudo-Cyprian, De duobus montibus, XIII, we read: "The Lord himself instructs and admonishes us in the epistle of his disciple John to the people, 'You see me thus in yourselves as one of you sees himself in the water or a mirror.'" Comp. also Pick, Paralipomena, p. 109.