Page:The Apocryphal Acts of Paul, Peter, John, Andrew and Thomas.djvu/201

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keep time with holy souls. In me know thou the word of wisdom! Say thou again (with) me:

Glory to thee, Father; glory to thee, Word;
Glory to thee, Holy Ghost!

"Now concerning me, if thou wouldst know what I was (know): with a word did I once deceive all things, and was not put to shame in any wise. I have leaped; but do thou understand the whole, and having understood it say, Glory to thee, Father! Amen.[1]

97.[2] "After this dance, beloved, the Lord went out with us; and we as men gone astray or awakened out of sleep fled all ways. Nay even I that had seen him did not abide at his passion when he was suffering,[3] but fled unto the Mount of Olives,

  1. This hymn Augustine found in use among the Priscillianists, and treats of it in epist. 237 ad Ceretium (Opp. tom. II, col. 644 ff. Ed. Maur. II, 850 ff., Paris 1688). He quotes the following sentences: Salvare volo et salvari volo. | Solvere volo et solvi volo. | Generari volo . | Cantare volo, saltate cuncti: | Plangere volo, tundite vos omnes. | Ornare volo et ornari volo. | Lucerna sum tibi, ille qui me vides. | Janua sum tibi, quicumque me pulsas. | Qui vides, quod ago, tace opera mea. | Verbo illusi cuncta, et non sum illusus in totum. Thilo once promised to write a commentary on this hymn, but never fulfilled his promise. The Gnostic character of the hymn is obvious.
  2. Cod. C. can here again be supplemented by the Nicene Acts, see Zahn, loc. cit., p. 222 f.
  3. But see John XIX, 26 f.