Page:The Apocryphal Acts of Paul, Peter, John, Andrew and Thomas.djvu/249

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7. She is surrounded by her groomsmen, seven in number,
Chosen by herself;
Her bridesmaids are seven,
Who dance before her.
Twelve are they in number who minister before her
And are at her bidding.
Their gaze is attentively directed at the bridegroom,
That they be enlightened by his sight,
And be for ever with him for that everlasting joy
And sit down in that wedding to which the great ones assemble,
And abide in the supper, of which the eternals are deemed worthy,
And put on royal garments, and be dressed in shining robes
That both may rejoice and exult
And praise the Father of the universe,
Whose majestic light they have received
And have been enlightened by the sight of their Lord,
Whose ambrosial food they received
Of which there is no failing,
And drink also of his wine,
Which brings to them no thirst nor desire,
Praised and glorified with the living spirit
The Father of truth and the mother of wisdom."[1]


  1. On this ode which Thomas is said to have recited in Hebrew, see Lipsius, loc. cit., p. 301 f.; Preuschen, loc. cit., p. 28 f.