Page:The Apocryphal Acts of Paul, Peter, John, Andrew and Thomas.djvu/250

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8. And when he had sung and finished this song, all who were present looked at him. He kept silence. They also saw his form changed, but they understood not his words, as he was a Hebrew and his words were spoken in Hebrew. Only the flute-girl understood it, being of the Hebrew race; and hearing him, she played the flute to the others, but repeatedly looking at him. For she loved him as one belonging to her nation, and he was also beautiful in appearance above all who were there. And when the flute-girl had finished her flute-playing, she sat down opposite him, and looked and gazed at him. But he looked at no one at all, neither did he regard any one, but only kept his eyes on the ground, waiting until he could depart thence. And the cup-bearer that struck him came down to the fountain to draw water. And there happened to be a lion there which killed him and left him lying in the place, after tearing up his limbs. And dogs immediately seized his limbs, among which also one black dog, laying hold of his right hand in his mouth, brought it to the place of the banquet.

9. When they saw it, they were frightened and all inquired who it were which had left them. And when it became known that it was the hand of the cup-bearer that struck the apostle, the flute-girl broke her flutes and threw them away, and went and sat at the feet of the apostle, saying, "This man is either God or God's apostle. For I heard him say in Hebrew to the cup-bearer, I shall soon see the hand that struck me dragged about by dogs —