Page:The Apocryphal Acts of Paul, Peter, John, Andrew and Thomas.djvu/266

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and we cannot bear it. For it is too much for our sight." And when light came, and it was dawn, he brake bread, and made them partakers of the eucharist of the Messiah. And they rejoiced and exulted. And many others also believed, and were added (to the believers), and came to the refuge of the Saviour.

28. And the apostle ceased not preaching and saying to them, "Men and women, boys and girls, young men and maidens, vigorous and aged, both bond and free, withhold yourselves from fornication, covetousness, and gluttony. For under these three heads all wickedness comes. For fornication maims the mind and darkens the eyes of the soul, and becomes a hindrance of the due regulation of the body, changing the whole man into feebleness, and throwing the whole body into disease. Greediness puts the soul into fear and shame, being [inside of the body, and] robs what belongs to another, and suspects that in returning to the owners their property, it will be put to shame. Gluttony throws the soul into cares, troubles and griefs, fearing that it will be wanting, and reaches out for that which is far away. In refraining from these things, you are without care, without grief, and without fear, and there remains to you that which was said by the Saviour: Take no care for the morrow, for the morrow will take care of itself.[1] Remember also the word mentioned

  1. Matt. VI, 34.