Page:The Apocryphal Acts of Paul, Peter, John, Andrew and Thomas.djvu/267

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before: Look upon the ravens,[1] and behold the fowls of the heaven, that they neither sow nor reap, nor gather into barns, and God takes care of them; how much more, O ye of little faith! But look for his coming, have your hopes in him, and believe in his name. For he is the judge of the living and of the dead,[2] and he requites to each one according to his deeds.[3] And at his coming and appearance at last, no one, who is about to be judged by him, has a word of excuse, as if he had not heard. For his heralds preach in the four quarters of the globe. Repent, therefore, and believe the preaching and take upon you an easy yoke and a light burden,[4] that you may live and not die. These things lay hold of, these things keep; come forth from the darkness, that the light may receive you! Come to him who is truly good, that from him you may receive grace, and place his sign upon your souls!"

29. When he had thus said, some of the bystanders said to him, "It is time for the creditor to receive his debt." And he said to them, "The creditor, indeed, always wishes to receive more, but let us give him what is proper." And [having blessed them] he took bread, oil, herbs, and salt, blessed it, and gave it to them. And he continued in his fastings, for the Lord's day was about to dawn. And on the night following,

  1. Comp. Luke XII, 24; Matt. VI, 26.
  2. Comp. Acts X, 42.
  3. Comp. Matt. XVI, 27.
  4. Comp. Matt. XI, 29, 30.