Page:The Apocryphal Acts of Paul, Peter, John, Andrew and Thomas.djvu/319

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93. In like manner also Mygdonia went early in the morning to salute the apostle Judas Thomas. She met him talking to the chief commander and the multitude. And he exhorted them by speaking of the woman which had received the Lord into her soul, and asked whose wife she was. The chief commander said, "She is the wife of Charis, the relative of King Misdai. And her husband is very severe and the king obeys him in everything which he says. And he allows her not to remain in the knowledge which she professes. He has also often praised her in the presence of the king by saying none were so good for love as she. [Everything of which thou speakest to her is strange to her."] And the apostle said, "If the Lord has truly and indeed risen in her soul (as sun) and she has received the sown seed, she will neither care for the earthly life nor fear death, nor will Charis be able to do any harm to her. For he whom she has received into her soul is greater, if indeed she has truly received him."

94. When Mygdonia heard this, she said to the apostle, "In truth, my lord, I have received the seed of thy words and shall bring forth fruits which are like the seed." Says the apostle, "Lord, these souls which are thine own, praise and thank thee; the bodies which thou didst deem worthy to be habitations of thy heavenly gift thank thee." And he also said to those about him, "Blessed are the saints, which have never been condemned by their souls (conscience); for because they have obtained