Page:The Apocryphal Acts of Paul, Peter, John, Andrew and Thomas.djvu/320

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these (not condemning consciences), they doubt not in themselves. Blessed are the spirits of the saints which have safely received the heavenly crown for the fight commissioned to them. Blessed are the bodies of the saints, because they were deemed worthy to become temples of God, that Christ may dwell in them. Blessed are ye, because ye have power to remit sins. Blessed are ye, if ye lose not that which is committed to you, but take it with you with joy and gladness. Blessed are ye, saints, because it is given to you to ask and to receive. Blessed are ye, meek ones, because God has deemed you worthy to become heirs of the heavenly kingdom. Blessed are ye, meek ones, for ye have overcome the wicked one. Blessed are ye, meek ones, because ye shall see the face of the Lord. Blessed are ye who hunger for the Lord's sake, for rest is preserved for you, and your souls rejoice from now on. Blessed are ye quiet ones (because ye were found worthy) to be delivered from sin." When the apostle had said this in the hearing of the whole multitude, Mygdonia was more strengthened in the faith and in the glory and majesty of the Messiah.

95. And Charis, the king's relative and friend came to the breakfast and found not his wife at home. And he asked all in his house, "Whither has your mistress gone?" And one of them said, "She went to the stranger." Upon hearing this from the one servant, he was angry at the others, because they did not announce to him at once what