Page:The Apocryphal Acts of Paul, Peter, John, Andrew and Thomas.djvu/333

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My parents perceived it and were afflicted for me.
And a message was announced in our kingdom,
That all should come to the gates.
And the kings and worthies of Parthia
And all the great ones of the East
Passed a resolution on my account,
That I should not remain in Egypt.
And those in power wrote also to me,
By signing their names, as follows:
'From thy father, the king of kings,
And from thy mother, which rules the East,
And from thy brother, the second after us,
To our son in Egypt, Greeting!
Arise and wake up from the sleep
And hear the words of the letter
And consider that thou art a king's son.
< Behold, > thou hast taken upon thee a slave's yoke!
Think of the pearl,
On whose account thou wert sent to Egypt,
Think of thy gold-wrought garment,
< Think of the glorious toga
Which thou art to put on and with which thou art to adorn thyself. >
Thy name was mentioned in the book of life[1]
And with thy brother < our substitute, thou shalt be >
In our kingdom.

111. < My letter is a letter, >

  1. Syriac: book of the valiants.