Page:The Apocryphal Acts of Paul, Peter, John, Andrew and Thomas.djvu/334

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Which the king has sealed
Because of the wicked Babylonians
And the tyrannical demons of Labyrinth.[1]
< It (i. e. the letter) flew like the eagle,
The king of all fowls.
It flew and came down to me
And was all speech. >
Through its voice and its audible sound
I started up from the sleep,
Took it and kissel it,
< Broke its seal > and read.
Its contents agreed with that
Which was written in my heart.
At once I remembered that I am a king's son,
And my free origin longed after its kind,
I also remembered the pearl,
For which I was sent to Egypt;
And with sayings I began < to enchant >
The fearful < and devouring > serpent.
I lulled it asleep < and sunk it into slumber, >
For I mentioned the name of my father over it,
< And the name of our second one
And of my mother, the queen of the East. >
And I seized the pearl
And returned to bring it to my parents.
And I took off the dirty garment
And left it behind in its country.
And immediately I directed my way
To the light of my country in the East.

  1. Syriac: Sarbug.