Page:The Apocryphal Acts of Paul, Peter, John, Andrew and Thomas.djvu/62

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which had fallen down and is about dying. Lift him up and bring him hither." This they did. When the people saw him, they were frightened. Paul said to them, "Now, dear brethren, show your faith. Come, let us cry to our Lord Jesus Christ, that the boy might live and we remain unmolested." When all began to lament, the boy took breath; and having put him on a beast of burden, they sent him away alive with all those which were of the emperor's house.

2. And Nero, having heard of Patroclus's death, became very sad, and as he just came in from his bath, he ordered another one to be appointed for the wine. But his boys said, "Emperor, Patroclus is alive, and stands at the sideboard." When the emperor heard that Patroclus was alive, he was frightened and would not come in. But after having come in, and seeing Patroclus, he cried out, "Patroclus, thou livest?" He answered, "(Yea,) I am alive, Cæsar." Who said, "Who is he that made thee alive?" And the boy, being carried away by a mind of faith, said, "Christ Jesus, the King of the ages." The emperor asked in dismay, "Is he to be King of the ages and destroy all kingdoms?" Says Patroclus to him, "Yea, he destroys all kingdoms under the heaven, and he alone shall remain in all eternity, and there will be no kingdom which escapes him." And he slapped his face, and cried out, "Patroclus, thou also art fighting for that king?" He answered, "Yes, my lord and Caesar, for he has raised me from the dead."