Page:The Apocryphal Acts of Paul, Peter, John, Andrew and Thomas.djvu/63

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And Barrabas Justus the flat-footed, and Urion the Cappadocian, and Festus of Galatia, the first men of Nero, said, "And we, too, fight for him, the King of the world." After they were terribly tortured, he had them imprisoned, whom he greatly loved, and ordered that the soldiers of the great King be sought, and issued an edict that all Christians and soldiers of Christ that were found, should be executed.

3. And in the multitude Paul also was brought in fetters. Those that were imprisoned with him looked at him, so that the emperor knew that he was the leader of the soldiers. And he said to him. "Man of the great King, now my prisoner, what induced thee to come secretly into the Roman empire and to enlist soldiers in my territory?" But Paul, filled with the Holy Spirit, said in the presence of all, "Caesar, we enlist soldiers not only in your territory, but in all lands of the earth. For thus we are commanded to exclude none who wishes to fight for my King. If it seemeth good to thee to serve him <thou wilt not regret it. Moreover, think not that>[1] riches or that which glitters in this life will save thee; but if thou becomest his subject and ask him, thou shalt be saved. For on one day he will destroy the world."

Having heard this, Nero commanded to burn all prisoners with fire, but to behead Paul in accordance with the law of the Romans. And Paul was not silent, but communicated the word to Longus the

  1. Following the Latin.