Page:The Architecture of Ancient Delhi Especially the Buildings Around the Kutb Minar 1872 by Henry Hardy Cole.djvu/195

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Index. 129 Kala Masjid, 19. Kalinjar, capture of, 70; King of, 15; Bajah of, 15. Kauouj, 16; battle at, 37; King of, 15, 33; Rajah of, 15. Kansa, 53. Karkotuk Nag, temple of, 51. Kashmir, 16. Kasr-IIazar Situn, 17. Kazi Fukr-ud-diu buys Kutb-ud-din, 69. Kensington Museum, 24, 27 ; cast of arabesque carving at, 115 ; cast of carvings on the Kutb Miliar at, 85 ; cast of Hindu column at, 65 ; cast of Hindu pillar at, 58 ; casts of Muhammadan ornament from Fathpur Sikri in the, 102 ; cast of niche in Imam Zaniin's tomb in the, 121 ; cast of ornament on Shams-ud-din's gateway at, 98 ; cast of part of Kutb-ud-din's gate- way at the, 72. Khilassat Attarwarikh, 31. Khorasan, Governor of, 15. Khwajah-i-Jahan, 88. Khwaja Tash, 109. Killa Kai Pithora, 13. Kings, Hindu, of Delhi, 31. Koel, Minar, Jumma Masjid at, 75. Koran, inscriptions from the, 102, 105; inscription of verses from, 80. Krishna, 52 ; birth of, 53 ; Avatar of, 27, 55. Kshemaka, 32. Kufic inscriptions, 96. Kumaon, pillar from, 19; Kajah of, 32. Kurus, 12. Kushak Firuzabad, 19 ; Kushak Shi- kar, 19. Kutb, 4, 5, 7, 14 ; buildings, 26 ; Dak bungalow at, 25 ; Hindu sculptures at, 50. Kutb Minar, 13, 25, 26; builders of the, 81 ; cupola of the, 81 ; de- scription of, by Syud Ahmed, 75 ; dimensions of, S3 ; Fergusson's explanation of, 82 ; general view of the, 73 ; inscriptions on, 79 ; opinion of Fergusson on, 79 ; pro- bably built by Muhammadans, 75 ; repair of, by Firuz Shah, SI ; Syud Ahmed's reading of inscription on the, 86; theories concerning origin of, 74 ; use of, 82 ; view of base, from the east, 85 ; view from the west, 79; view of first gallery of the, 87. Kutb mosque, alterations of at different times, 76; repaired by Firuz Shah, 88. Kutb pillar, ruins around, 77. Kutb ruins, plan of, 25. Kutb-ud-din, 16, 28, 36,69; appointed commander, 70 ; attacks the King of Benares, 70; base of Kutb Minar probably commenced by, SO ; bought by Kazi Fukr-ud-din, 69 ; bought by Moiz-ud-din Ghori, 69 ; build- ings at Delhi, 47 ; commencement of the Kutb mosque by, 49 ; death of, 70; inscriptions, 47; made king of Delhi, 70 ; residence of, at Delhi, 37; takes Delhi, 38 ; titles of, 80. Kutlugh Khan, 108. Kuwam-ul-Mulk Hamsi, 35. Lahore, 15 ; battle near, 108 ; rajah of, 15. Lak Bakhsh, soubriquet of Kutb-ud- din, 70. Lalkot, 26 ; fort of, 13 ; the citadel of Delhi, 14. Lawrence, Lord, 1. Lingam, 55. London, casts for, 7. Madras, 1. Madrasah of Shams-ud-din, 103. Mahabharata, 12, 31. Mahadeva, 94. Mahadeo, 55. Mahapatra, 32. Mahoba, Kajah of, 34. Mahrattas, plundering of Delhi by the, 23. Mahmud, 15, 16 ; of Ghazni, 16. Malfuzat-i-Timuri, 20. Malik Naib Kafur, 109. Malwa, conquest of, 96, 124. Masjid-i-Kutb-ul-Islam, colonnade of, 50; commenced by Kutb-ud-din, 49; general view of, 47 ; how extended at different times, 76 ; Jaina origin of questioned, 51 : pillars in the sanctuary of, 57; repaired by Firuz Shah, 88 ; view of great arches at, 69 ; view of pillars in the centre of the colonnade, 61 ; view of pillars in the east colonnade, 59 ; view of pillars in the north colonnade, 67 ; view of pillars in the north-east corner of the colonnade, 63; view of pillar in the north-east corner of, 65. Mattra, 16. Mayo, Earl of, 1. Mazinah, 75, 76. Metcalfe, Sir Theophilus, 27. Mhow, 51. Midhava, the Rajah, 40. Mihrab, 120. Mihroli, 26: diving wells at, 26; village of, 97. Minar at Koel, 75 ; at the Kutb, 13. 26 ; opinion of Fergusson on, 79 : origin of, 73; builder of, 81; Huft Munduri, 82 ; of Ala-ud-din, 11 '1 ; of Altanish, 81 ; Zarim, or golden pillar, 20. Miliars at Ghazni, 75 ; well-known. 82. Miniatures, 24. Mirat, capture of, 36 ; pillar from, 19. Mir-sher-i-ben Afsos, 31. Mir Khusru, 109; Yahia Kashi, 11. Misrat Khan, 20. Moiz-ud-din Ghori buys Kutb-ud- din, 69. Mogul art, casts of, 8 ; invasion of India, 22, 108. Mokarikabad, 21. Molana Jumali, 119 ; tomb, 27. Moor's Hindu Pantheon, 53. Mosaics, 24 ; at Delhi, 23 ; at India Museum, 23. Mosaic worker, Austin de Bordeaux. 23. Mosque at the Kutb, building of, 70. Mosque and Tomb of Ala-ud-din, 77. Mosque of Hassan, 79 ; pearl, at Delhi, 23. Moulding gelatine, 6 ; piece, 6. Muazzin, 75. Muhammadan architecture, 2, 29. Muhammadan conquest, 14 ; date of. 48 ; evidences of, 47. Muhammadan defeat. 34 ; designers, 102 ; invasion, 13, 34 ; rule in India, 16 ; sculpture at Delhi. 24 ; theory concerning the origin of the Kutb Minar, 74 ; tomb, the earliest Indian, 102. Muhammad AH Masjid, 119. Muhammad Amircho, 81. Muhammad Bin Sam. mi. Muhammad Bin Tugluek, 88. Muhammad C'asim. 15. Muhammad Daoud, Khan, 26. Muhammad Fakir Syud Imam Zamin, 119. Muhammad Ghori, 34, 36, 37 ; assassination of. 38. Muhammad Khan Atka. 125. Muhammad Kuli Khan, 27. Muhammad Tugluek, character of. 18. Muhammad Shah, 25. Muhammad Shah Sur Add, 22. Multan. 15. 16, 107 : taken by Nasr- ud-din, 38. Nahrwala, capture of, 7< ( . Nasr-ud-din takes Multan ami Seinde, 38. Nasir-ud-din Mahmud, 105. Nasir-ud-din Kubachah, 94. Niche in Sultan Ghori. 105.