Page:The Architecture of Ancient Delhi Especially the Buildings Around the Kutb Minar 1872 by Henry Hardy Cole.djvu/196

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130 hide; x. North Behar, invasion of. 16. Northcote, Sir Stafford, 1. Ornament, bell, used by Hindus, 74; composed of Kufic letters, 100; Hindu, use of by Muhammadans. 74 : Pathan, 102. ( >ude. invasion of, 16. Paintings on walls of Sbams-ud-din's tomb, 103. Pala kings, 32. Palace of the thousand pillars, 1 7. Pandava Dynasty, 31. Pandits, 39. Panduah, ;>2. Pandus, 12. Panipat. 12. Paramardi Deva, 34. Parusa llama. 52. Pathan architecture, 29, 7'.i : art, casts of, 8 ; ornament, 102 ; sculptures, 4 ; tombs, 123. Patnia, 53. Percy, Dr., his analysis of the iron composing the iron pillar at Delhi, 41. Persia. 15, 17 ; kings of, 57 ; mosques in, 74. Peshawar, 15, 35. Photographs — moulders at work, 7. Piece moulding, 6. Pillar, Hindu, at Chittur, 74 ; iron. 28, 55 : of Binisa, 20 ; of Firuz Shah. 22. Pillars at the Kutb, different modes of treatment in, 68 ; Brabminical. 57. Plan of old cities of Delhi, 11. Plaster, coloured, 27. Primavati, 32. Prince of Samani, 15. Prinsep, James, 4o. Prinsep's translation of the inscrip- tion on the iron pillar, 43. Prithvi Rajah, 14. 32 ; temples. 16. Parana Killa, 12, 13. 22. Puii Pitbora. 16, 32, 33: army anni- hilated, son Gola, 30 ; the daughter of, said to have used the Minar at the Kutb, 73 ; Fort of, 14 ; death of, 36. Rajah of Bhatia, 15. Rajah Dliava. 39. Rajah Dhilu, 13. Rajah Dabir of Sind. 15. Rajah of Gwalior, 15. Rajah of Kanouj, 15. Rajah of Kalinjar, 15. Rajah Kour Surujpal, 14. Rajah Pitbora, 13; probable extrac- tion of the iron pillar by, 44. Raj ab of Ugain, 15. Rajapala, 32. Rajputs. 15. Rajputana, 57. Rajput Princes, 35. Rakschas, 27. Rama Chandra, 52. Raiusi, the Prince, 33. Rangit Gate, 13, 14. Rantanbbor, 108. Reproduction court. 3. Repairs of the Kutb Minar, 81. Rieu. Dr.. in], 105, 121. Rukn-ud-din Firuz Shall, 101. Ruku-ud-din Ibrahim, 107. Safter Jang, tomb of. 25. Sakambbari, Rajah of, 33. Sakaditja, 32. Salimghar, fort of, 22. Salim~Shah Sur. 22. Samarkand, 16 Samani, Prince of. 15. Sanchi Tope, 1, 54, 94. Sancbi Gateway, cast of, 3, 4. Sanscrit inscription, 33, 39. Sarasvati. 35. Sarangpiir. 124. Satlej, 15, 16. Science and Art. Department of, 3. Sculptures, Hindu, 4; Pathan, 4. Sebektegin. 15, 16. Sena kings. 32. Shah Jeban. 11. Sbab Jaban's Mosque. 24. Shabab-ud-din. 16, 2^. 33. Sbab jabauabad, 22. .'!> ; date of, 11. Shah Jahan, 22. Shahpur, 17. Shams-ud-din, 63, 70, 80, s l : gates of, 2s ; view of south-west gateway of, 97; view of north-west gateway of, 99 ; extension of the Kutb Mosque, 95 : reign. 93 ; tomb, in- terior view of, 1 1 '3 : view of ex- terior, 101 ; inscriptions, 95. Shams-ud-din Altamsh, purchased by Kutb-ud-din, 93. Shepherd, Mr., 5. Shirgarh, 12. Shir Shah, 12. 22. Shuja Did ah. 25. Sidmal. the Rajah, 27. Sikander Bbalol. 81. Sikander Lodi, 119. Sikunder Shah, 80. Sind Coast, 15. Sinde taken by Nasr-ud-din, 38. Sinba kings. 32. Siri, city of, 16, 109. Sir John Jones, 23. Sirbind. Governor of. I 11 !. Siva, 53, 51. Slave kings of India, 69. Smith, Major Robert, R.E., 81. Someswara, 32. Somnath gates, 16 ; temple of, 16. Soupat, 12. South Kensington Museum. 1. 2. 4. 5. Styles at the Kutb, 28. Sultan Barkook Mosque. v 2. Sultan Gbori, view of niche in tomb of, 105. Sultan Hassan Mosque, 82. Surujkund, 14. Suriij Mokhi. religiou of the, 73. Sursutty, 35. Sultana Riziah, 101. Surujpal, the Rajah Kour, 14. Syud Ahmed, 5, 12. 13. 27. 2-. 4-. 54. 112 : description of the Kutb Minar. 75 ; on the origin of the Kutb Minar, 73: reading of in- scription on the Kutb Minar by, 86. Syud Muhammad, 21. Syria, mosques in, 74. Tabkat Nasiri, 93. Taj at Agra, 29. Taj Mebal at Agra, 74. Taj-ud-din Yilduz, 94 ; daughter of, married to Kutb-ud-din. 7". Tamerlane. 20, 22. Tane'sar. 16. Temple of Somnath, 16. Temples, Hindu, at the Kutb. 2 V . ' >T ; of the Prithvi Rajah's, 16. Tbaneswar, 34. Thomas, Edward, 34. Thomas's Pathan kings of Delhi, 80 ; reading of the inscription, 4 V . Tieffenthaler, Joseph, 31. Tiles, encaustic, 27. Tilpat. 12. Timur's Sack of Delhi. 20. Tod, Captain James. 33. Tod, Colonel. 33. Tomb and Mosque of Ala-ud-din. 77. Tomb, earliest Muhammadan in India. Ml' : of Adam Khan. 13. 26, -'7. 75; view of, 123; of Imam Zamin. 105, 119, 121 ; of Sultan Ghori. 1 ' 15. Tombs. Mosul. 119: Pathan. 102; 119. 123? Transoxiana, 21. Triloclianaehandra. 32. Tugluckabad, 14. 21 . 27 ; city of. 1 7 ; description of. 1 s : fort of, 13. Tugluck Khan. 109. Tugluck Shah, 17: tomb of, 18. Turjrhai Khan, 17. 108.