Page:The Arraignment of Lewd, Idle, Froward, and Unconstant Women (1622).djvu/10

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That it was better to be a doore-keeper, and better dwel in a Den amongſt Lyons, then to be in the houſe with a froward and wicked Woman: And the other ſaid, That the clyming vp of a Sandy hill to an aged man, was nothing ſo weariſome, as to be troubled with a froward Woman; And further he ſaid, That the malice of a Beaſt, is not like the malice of wicked Woman, nor that there is any thing more dangerous then a Woman in her fury.

The Lyon being bitten with hunger, the Beare being robbed of her young ones, the Viper being trod on, all theſe are nothing ſo terrble as the fury of a Woman. A Bucke may be incloſed in a Parke, a bridle rules a Horſe, a Wolfe may be tyed, a Tyger may be tamed, but a froward Woman will neuer be tamed, no Spur will make her goe, nor no Bridle will hold her backe: for if a Woman hold an opinion, no man can draw her from it: tell her of her fault, ſhe will not beleeue that ſhe is in any fault: giue her good counſell, but ſhe will not take it: if you doe but looke after another Woman, then ſhe will be iealous: the more thou loveſt her, the more ſhe will diſdaine thee: and if thou threaten her, then ſhe will be angry: flatter her, and then ſhe will be proud: and if thou forbeare her, it maketth her bold: and it thou chaſten her, then ſhe will turne to a Serpent: at a word, a Woman will neuer forget an iniury, nor giue thankes for a good turne. What wiſe man then will change gold for droffe, pleaſure for paine, a quiet life for wrangling brawles, from the which maried men are neuer free?

Salomon ſaith, That Women are like vnto Wine, for that they will make men drunke with their deuices.
