Page:The Arraignment of Lewd, Idle, Froward, and Unconstant Women (1622).djvu/9

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This firſt Chapter ſheweth to what vſe Women were made: it alſo ſheweth, that moſt of them degenerate from the vſe they were framed vnto, by leading a proud, lazie, and idle life, to the great hinderance of their poore Husbands.

Moſes deſcribeth a Woman thus: At the firſt beginning (ſayth he) a Woman was made to be a helper vnto Man; and ſo they are indeede, for ſhe helpeth to ſpend & conſume that which Man painefully getteth. Hee alſo ſaith, That they were made of the Rib of a Man; and that, their froward nature ſheweth: for a Rib is a crooked thing, good for nothing elſe; and Women are crooked by nature, for a ſmall occaſion will cauſe them to be angry.

Againe, in a manner, ſhee was no ſooner made, but ſtraightway her minde was ſet vpon miſchiefe; for by her aſpiring minde, and wanton will, ſhe quickly procured Mans fall: and therefore euer ſince they are and haue beene a woe vnto Man, and follow the Line of their firſt Leader.

For I pray you let vs conſider the times paſt with the time preſent; firſt, that of David and Salomon: if they had occaſion ſo many hundred yeeres agoe to exclaime ſo bitterly againſt Women; for the one of them ſayd,
