pose use the blooms prepared by me, and spoken of in the list of materials. They are to be rubbed on with the finger and thumb of the right hand, holding the petal at the base with the finger and thumb of the left hand.
Should any fine lines or marks be seen on the petals, take the sable brush and paint over the petal. For the Geranium or Arbutalan you may add a little of the very thinnest gum-water. This will give a sharpness or distinctness to the penciling; but do not use too much, or it will produce a glazed appearance that looks very unnatural.
In all cases where the bloom, is used, the petals are curled after they are tinted. Be sure to observe if the petals are darker or lighter in the centre of the flower, and tint accordingly.
The tints of color are made by combining the colors mentioned in the list of materials. Take a small portion of the following colors and proceed to practice the mixing of colors.
The tint required is put on the left side of the page, and the colors used for producing it on the right.
Crimson | is produced by | Carmine. |
Pink | is produced by„ | Carmine and white. |
Rose pink | is produced by„ | Carmine, white and light blue. (A very small portion of the latter.) |
Purple | is produced by„ | Carmine and blue. |